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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You slowly began to wake up, as you heard some voices around you. You decided to pretend you were asleep as you heard into the conversation.

??: "where did you find her?" It was a man.
???: "She was in the woods...it was Stark who found her there." And that one was a woman.

??: "Why did he bring her here? Is she dangerous?"

???: "We don't know, but after Stark spoke with Fury, he was told to bring her here right away.."

??: "I don't know...I don't think we can be so uncareful..Did you even check if she had any weapons?" he said as you heard him get closer to you.

???: "Not really, but you can go ahead." she said. You then felt a hand on your shoulder. That was when you grabbed him, spun him around, had both of his hands on his back and held a small dagger against his throat.

??: "Knew we should have been more careful"

???: "Let him go" she said as she slowly moved.

You: "where am I? And who are you two?"

???: "I am Natasha, and this is Barton. We are not your enemies"

You: "I don't trust people that easily...specially humans."

Barton: "Humans?"

Natasha: "Fury, come here quick" she said through her earpiece. A few seconds later a tall dark man came inside.

Fury: "well, it's good to know she's awake."

You: "Who are you?" You said as you still held Barton.

Fury: "I'm a friend, and so are they. I remember reading about you...If I recall, you were also called death's shadow" You narrowed your eyes.

You: "that was centuries ago.." you said as you released Barton.

Barton: "Who?"he said rubbing his shoulder.

Fury: "try not to anger her Barton, you do not want to get on this goddess's bad side."

Natasha: "Goddess?" she said looking from Fury to you.

You: "Yes. Now that you know more about me...Could you tell me where I am?"

Fury: "Where are my manners...You're in our temporary base, a flying ship"

You: "Interesting. Um, when did you find me?"

Fury: "we will answer your questions in time. Natasha will see you to your room for now. After you have rested, please come find me." He said as he left.

Natasha: "Follow me this way, please" she said as she then led you through some halls.

You: "so...when did you find me?"

Natasha: "it was stark, he works with us too. And he can tell you that later when they introduce you to the rest of the group" She said as she opened a door. The room wasn't big nor small, and there was a bed and a desk with a chair.

You: "thank you. I hope I'll be sent for quickly"

Natasha: "I'll come look for you. You can rest until then." she then left, closing the door behind her. You then left your bag on the desk and laid on the bed.
You: "* I wonder if I'll be able to find him soon...ugh, I hope thor and loki don't arrive soon..or maybe they already have...oh gods...*"Your thoughts were soon interrupted with a knock on the door.

You: "come in" you said as you sat up on the bed. You then saw Natasha at the door.

Natasha: "they're ready."
You: "good" you said as you stood and followed her.

Darkness--- A Loki Story  (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now