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Loki: "I-"

You: "You....this is not like you. I know you are not like this. Why did you hurt these people? Why are you after the tesseract?!"you say shaking him by his shoulders. He only stares at you for a few more seconds before his face turned cold and distant.

Loki: "You know don't me...you don't know the real me..." Those words hit you hard and you then remembered hearing him and Thor speaking of the wedding proposal...You slowly let him go.

Loki: "hah," he laughed, "neither you nor my brother really kno-" that's when you slapped him on the face so hard that your hand was marked on his face. Stark, steve and other crew members turned to look at you. You were both angry and hurt, so your eyes had changed color and you started to float a bit. He looked a bit frightened and worried.

You: "How dare you..." you were breathing hard, but then your anger went away and only sadness filled you. You slowly descended and landed on your feet and your eyes went back to normal.

You: "If-if we meant so little to you that you didn't even let us know you....then fine. I will no longer be related with you in any way. If the plan doesn't work out, be sure to know that I'll be choosing your brother." and with that you went back and sat down next to Steve. Stark approached you and sat on your other side.

Stark: "um...what was that?"

You: "nothing of importance now" you said as you tried to regain your normal breathing.

Stark: "are you sure? Are you alright?"

You: "yes, i am fine."

Stark: "good, because Loki isn't" He stood up and then some loud thunder and lightning hit.
Steve: "what's the matter. Scared of a little lightning?" He says as he also stands up.

Loki: "I'm not overly fond of what follows"

You: "oh great..." you say as you stand next to Steve. Then something hits the ship you're in, stark suits up and opens the door.

Steve: "What are you doing?" and then Thor jumped in and shook the plane. And when he did so, Steve lost his balance, making him bump his lips onto yours. Your eyes widen and you turn red, and so does he. Loki stands up, stark turns around to look, and then Steve pulls back.

Steve: "I-I'm so-" he was cut off by Thor's hammer knocking him away. You turn around and Thor punches Stark away. He then proceeds to pick you up, and throws you over his shoulder, picks Loki by his collar, pulls back his hammer (magnetism?) and walks towards the open door.

You: "Unhand me!!!", you say kicking and punching him, "this is extremely degrading!" Stark and Steve begin to get up and then see how Thor flies away with both of you.
You: "How dare you!!" Was the last thing they heard from you.

(I'll continue with your P.O.V from here)

He kept on flying, ignoring your screaming, kicking and punching (quite a few landed on Loki). He then started descending and threw both you and Loki to the ground.

You: "Never in my life has ANYONE treated me like that!" You said as your eyes changed color.
Thor: "I do not care. First: Brother, why are you hurting the humans and are going after the tesseract!" he said as he picked him up with both hands by his collar. Loki looked at him and laughed.
Loki: "since YOU will be ruling after father dies, I decided to find a planet for me to rule." Thor let him go roughly.

Thor: "this is crazy, come back...please." he then turned to you.

Thor: "We want you back."

You: "pff, do not involve me in this Thor. Speak for yourself" You said as you were dusting yourself off. Thor then turned to you, not believing the words he had just heard.

Darkness--- A Loki Story  (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now