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I awoke to the sunlight shining on my face from a nearby window. I slowly opened my eyes to see that Levi and I were the only ones still left in Rowan's room. Storm and Rowan must have woken up already.

I saw that Levi had removed his arm from around me, but still was very close and very asleep. I decided that I would mess with Levi until he woke up.

"There was a time when I was alone
Nowhere to go, and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away, too." I whispered into Levi's ear.

"Then one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me, I promise that you'll never be lonely," and ever since that day..." I sang.

"I am a lost girl from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan"

I poked Levi in the shoulder as I said the last line, and I continued to whisper-sing.

"And when we're bored, we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost girl," they say to me
Away from all reality"

After I finished singing, I gently pinched Levi's cheek and wiggled it around. "Wake up! Or I'll throw ya to Captain Hook!"

I huffed in frustration when Levi wouldn't wake up, and I attempted other ways to wake Levi up.

I pushed Levi to make him lay on his side, then I pushed him back to his original position, which was him laying on his back. I tried shaking him, but to no avail.

I saw his eyelashes flutter from the corner of my eye, and I leaned in to see if Levi was actually awake. I took a long hard look at his eyes before he puckered up his lips. I pressed a finger to his lips before leaning away from his face.

So the little rascal was pretending to be asleep the whole time. I thought as I shook my head, then I smacked Levi playfully with a pillow. I stood up while bringing by bag with me to a bathroom so I could get ready.

I changed my clothes and I brushed my teeth before checking up on Levi. I knocked on the door of Rowan's room.

"You better hurry up, or you'll miss the Hogwarts Express!" I said to him through the door.

"Don't worry, I'll just take my mum's flying car and crash it into the Whomping Willow," Levi replied from the other side, "just give me a few minutes and I'll be done."

I smiled before heading downstairs to see Rowan and Storm in the dining room with bowls of cereal in their hands.

"How'd ya sleep?" Rowan asked while raising an eyebrow at me. "I know you and Levi were getting all snuggly last night."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied as I searched for a bowl.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Nope." I poured in some milk after adding some Froot Loops into the bowl.

"Aww, c'mon, we can tell that you have a cr-" Rowan was shushed by Storm before she could finish her sentence, because Levi had finished getting ready and he was walking towards us.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked, as he looked around the breakfast table.

"Froot Loops, Capt'n Crunch, Lucky Charms. Take your pick." Storm said while eating another bite of her food. Levi smiled and nodded before going to the kitchen.

I glared at Rowan, and whispered something to her.

"That was very close, don't you dare do something like that again."

"Oops, I didn't know he was coming. Sorry Y/N."

I accepted her apology before Levi sat down next to me with his breakfast, and Rowan wiggled her eyebrows at me before she went back to eating her breakfast.

-Time Skip-

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as my friends filmed the movie, and I watched from the sidelines. I was happy I wasn't an actor, it didn't suit me much, and I hated how I looked on camera. I think I'm just not photogenic.

It was fun traveling to different places just to shoot three to four scenes. I always admired the beauty of nature, I also admired the beauty of Levi.

This time my friends were filming inside, which I was grateful for. I did love the outdoors, but it was starting to get pretty uncomfortable when I was being bitten by mosquitoes every second.

I watched Storm and Levi film a scene that required them to hold hands, which did make me jealous, I wished he had held my hand instead of Storm's. I tried my best not to show it by glancing at my phone, pretending that I was on Instagram or whatever kind of social media platform. I didn't know if it worked, but I hoped it did, I also hoped that Levi and Storm were just friends.

You don't even have a right to be jealous, you're not even dating him! Snap out of it, if he likes Storm, then be a supportive friend.

As we were wrapping up for the day, Levi jogged up to me with a grin plastered on his face.


"Hey there."

"You sad we're almost done with the movie?"

"I guess you could say that, it has been fun, but we're going to see each other right?"

"I dunno, I'm heading back to Austrailia after the premiere of the movie.


"We can still call each other." Levi suggested while trying to lift my spirits up with his signature smile. It had worked, and I smiled back.

"Yeah, yeah. Totally."

"Levi!" A voice called from the set. "We need you to finish this scene!"

"Coming!" Levi looked at me and smiled once more. "I'll catch you at the movie premiere, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

He waved before jogging back to the set. I waved back. His hair swayed from side to side as he ran back from where he came, I noticed his hair was starting to grow longer that he usually let it. I liked the way his hair looked, I thought it made him look even cuter.

I looked around me, at the trees, at the cameras, and even at Mom.

I looked back at Levi to see that he was staring at me, so I did what anybody else would do. I raised an eyebrow and smirked at Levi while I mouthed something at him.

"You like what you see?"
He laughed shyly before blushing and turning away.

I smiled to myself. I was sad that he would be leaving so soon. I wondered when I'll see him again when I thought of a spectacular idea. I had a plan brewing in my mind, and I would need some help putting it into action.

Nothing More Than Friends | A Levi Miller x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora