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I looked behind my shoulder to see Levi smiling down at me. I didn't know what to do so I smiled back before I stood up.

"You can join any of us in the dressing rooms if you want," Levi told me while gesturing with his head that he wanted me to join him, or so I thought.

I followed behind Levi, noticing how good he looks from behind. We stopped at a door with Levi written inside a yellow star, Levi opened the door and let me in, then he followed suit. I sat on a chair in the corner of the dressing room, while Levi sat in the chair across from me. I crossed a leg over my other while Levi sat with his legs wide open.

We started a conversation, and I directed it at Levi's interests, but he wanted to know more about me, which struck me as odd. But I complied and I told him my favorite music artist, favorite color, favorite movies, and favorite books. We talked and talked before Levi asked for my number.

"Oh, sure," I replied without stuttering. I didn't know he was going to do this so soon, but we exchanged phone numbers. "Does this mean we're friends now?"

"I already counted you as my friend when we met." Levi said as he swept his hair to the side. I tried to change the subject before I could start to hyperventilate.

I've never had a guy friend, ever in my life. I've always been tutored or homeschooled by Mom, and I'm definitely not a social butterfly, I'm more of a introverted, lazy caterpillar that never wants to build it's cocoon.
"What's Brisbane like?" I ask him -changing the subject- as he raises a brow.

"I've never told you in what part of Australia I live." Levi says slowly as I mentally face-palmed myself for being so stupid.

C'mon, Y/N! How the fuck could you have made the same mistake again? Shit, shit, shit! I'm sooo stupid, now he'll know I'm some weirdo with a crush on him.

"My Mom told me, I just wanted to know if you were really Australian or not."

Levi nodded and let the matter drop, and I let out a quiet sigh before we were interrupted by people who I assumed to be the makeup crew.

I saw them get to work; applying foundation, concealer, etc. I stared at Levi's reflection in the mirror, but I stopped when he caught me staring. But I could tell he was smirking.

I was starting to worry if Levi found out I had a crush on him, so I purposely played my ringtone and I pretended it was Mom calling me. I excused myself and went to look for her. I saw her talking to a boy, way younger than I, and I approached her when she finished. "Who were you talking to?" I asked.

"That was Deric"

"The one who plays Cha-"

"-rles Wallace, yes, that's him."

I nodded stuffed my hands in my jean pockets. "Why aren't you with Levi?" Mom asks, "I saw you two head off to his dressing room."

"We just talked, nothing else."

"You sure you guys didn't kiss?" Mom said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Noooo, Moooom!" I groaned as I placed my hands on my hips, hung my head, and I shook it slowly.

Then, Storm and a bunch of extras walked outside with cameras following them. Mom and the co-directors walked out behind the cameras. They were about to go film the opening scene.

"Wanna watch?" Levi asked, as he walked up behind me.


Nothing More Than Friends | A Levi Miller x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now