Twenty-One : Fix You

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Once Bonnie drove off the curve, back home, I made my way up the porch steps and walked inside. To my surprise nobody was home, I glanced over at the clock hanging on the living room wall, 4PM, huh, usually we're all home from school by now. I shrugged there absence and walked up the stairs to my room. When I reached the top of the step I heard a voice coming from inside Luke's room. Oh, so someone is home. I walked over to Luke's room but stopped outside his door, as I heard him talking. 

"No. No one is here." I heard him whisper.

I wonder who he's talking to? Luke's been acting really weird lately. The constant mood changing and the secluded behavior. I hope he's alright. I stood there a few moments and continued listening to him.

"I-I don't know..." He trailed off. I pressed my ear against the wooden door in hopes that I can hear better, "I mss you too... so, so much." He continued. 

Seconds later I heard the front door open down stairs, Calums and Michaels laughter soon followed as they walked inside. "I gotta go." Luke says quickly.

In a flash I back away, and spin around to walk back to my room. But knowing me, I trip on my own two feet and fall in the middle of the hallway, Luke's door opens revealing a pale blonde haired boy. "Ashton." Luke states wide eyed, it's more of a question than a statement. "You alright?" He chuckles and shakes his hair.

"Yeah." I shrugged and stand up. " Just slipped that's all." I smile awkwardly. I want to ask him who he was talking to. "Are you alright?" I asked, hoping he will tell me.

His eyes drooped and his shoulders suddenly hunched over as if he were carrying the whole world on his back, "Yeah." He shook his head, "I'm fine... Excuse me, yeah?" He passed me and headed down stairs with Michael and Calum.

Bonnie POV

"Explain this!" My father barked, as he waved my acceptance letter for The University of Arts in San Francisco in his hand. 

I sat on the leather sofa, My thighs sticking on the cushions from all the sweat. "I-I thought it would be a good idea to apply to more than one university." I shrugged my shoulders, looking down at the floor avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

My father crossed his arms, "I thought we agreed that you will stay near home."

"But I-"

"We had a deal, we agreed you'd stay near here. So we can watch you." 

"Deal?! Watch me?!" I stood up, in the verge of tears, "You never watched me. All you and mother do is put me down!" I took a deep breath trying hard to fight the tears, "You just- just use me! I have to do everything around here: the cooking, and the cleaning, and the babysitting! And on top of that all I hear from you is you bitching and shoving your stupid idea of a perfect daughter down my throat."

My fathers nostrils flared, his anger consuming his body, "You watch your mouth, Bonnie!" He points at me, "You think you have it so bad, do you?" His eyebrows furried, "People will kill to be in your shoes, look around!" He says as he demonstrates the luxurious home. "Your mother and I give you everything!"

"That's bullshit!" I interupted, "And you know it... Every single damn thing I own, I worked for it!" My sadness suddenly turned into fustration and anger, "The car! My clothes! Even the food, I paid for it! " I corrected, "And you-you just...ignore me..." My voice trails, "You make me feel as if I'm invisible, that I'm the family fuck up..." 

His shoulders loosen but his eyes stayed dark. He took a deep breath, "You're not going Bonnie."

My eyes jolted up at him, once again my feelings are swallowed and my voice isn't heard, he won. I'm never getting out of here. "Dad.." my voice cracking.

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