1. And Here Comes Your Man

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Chapter One – "And Here Comes Your Man"

California King Bed - Rihanna

 California King Bed - Rihanna

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Spencer's POV

"In Love?" dad repeated.

I flashed a fake smile. "Yeah." I said excitedly even though inside I was kicking myself in the shins.

Dad's face remained frozen, not a single muscle moving, for what seemed like hours before the sides of his lips begun to quiver.

Oh God.

A smile jumped onto his face. "You're in Love? My son is in Love. Wow." He looked so happy it was almost sickening.

He began to pace excitedly up and down. I took that chance to look at Ethan who was just standing there, blinking at me with a confused expression plastered all over his face.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to dad. He was mumbling incoherent stuff to himself.

"Dad, you're scaring me and that's saying something."

He stopped and looked at me. "Who is she? Do we know her?"

"No, she goes to my school though." What was I doing?

He laughed. "And here I thought you were gay!"

My eyes blew up, Ethan's dark ones twitched and Dad's pair sparkled.

"Wow thanks for looking so relieved." I chided, sarcastically.

He came closer and placed what I think was supposed to be a fatherly hand on my shoulder. Like I had just caught my first fish or kissed my first human girl.

"I'm proud son, your first love. If you ask me, it took you long enough." He spoke with biting honestly. "Me and your mom were starting to think you would end up with half a dozen cats."

"Don't jump the gun just yet," I retorted, rolling my eyes. "Can I go to my room now?"

He faltered "Why? I want to know more about this special young woman."

"I need to do something."I lied.

Dad was too good for me. He narrowed his eyes. "Do what?"

"Jerk o-"

"He has to help me with Biology."

Dad spun around to face Ethan who was now fully visible. He wore a plain black t-shirt with a pair of baggy, most likely unclean pair of blue jeans and sneakers.

"Thank God," I mumbled. Ethan stepped closer to dad, extending a hand.

"Hello Ethan," dad cheered. He was obviously still in a state of merriment. Someone should tell him the statistics on teen relationships. That should knock him right off his little high.

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