Not Bad

432 18 1

Honestly some of these chapters seem more like one-shots to me.


He stood at the door awkwardly for a moment before walking over to me and engulfing me in a hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into my hair.

"It's alright," I mumbled hugging him tighter.

"C'mon get up we're going out." Daryl suddenly pulled away.

"Huh? Where?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"We're going to infiltrate the school's culture festival." He explained.

"But why?" I frowned.

"You were out for a good while. Most areas have been quarantined so we have to enter the school to find out what Shu Ouma is up to." 

"How long was I out?" I frowned.

"About two weeks," Daryl replied in a guilty voice.

"Bet you missed me!" I grinned.

"Of course I did you, idiot!" He growled chucking my disguise at me.

"Seriously?" I frowned at the school uniform.

"Yes now hurry up we gotta go soon," Daryl grumbled turning his back to me so he could change and give me a bit of privacy. Turning away I quickly slipped into the school uniform.

"Suits you just nice." Daryl nodded checking me out.

"Thanks. You look cute, too." I blushed.


"Good job morons. Throw a festival during a quarantine why don't ya'? I guess the virus is already settled into their brains, serves them right." Daryl grumbled causing me to giggle. Suddenly I was nearly shoved to the floor by a girl carrying a ton of heavy boxes.

"What the hell! How dare you just ram into her. Watch where you're going." Daryl growled as he helped me avoid falling.

"Oh my bad! But since you're here already how's about you carry them." The girl suddenly handed Daryl the two heavy boxes.

"Son of a! I don't wanna carry them!" Daryl struggled with the boxes. I covered my mouth with my hand to stop the series of giggles escaping my lips.

"Catch! Might as well carry the bags as well." The girl threw the two bags on top.

"Now bring them over here." She motioned as we walked we began to talk about random stupid things which earned a growl from Daryl. Arriving at a sort of storage room Daryl immediately dropped the boxes and sat down breathing heavily.

"Come on! Why do I have to be your damn pack mule!" He breathed.

"You're pretty weak. You sick or something?" The girl who I came to know as Tsugumi asked.

"I'm plenty strong! You just gave me too many boxes, stupid." Daryl glared at the girl.

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, here you go 'Mr. Grumpy Pants'." She handed out a candy apple.

"What is that thing?" Daryl furrowed his eyebrows.

"Payment!" She smiled.

"Yeah as if I'm gonna eat that awful thing."

"I'll take it!" I jumped in.

"Alrighty! See ya guys around!" The girl smiled handing me the handy.

"See ya!" I waved as Daryl turned away and gave in the report as I sat next to him happily licking away at the sweet.

"This is actually really good," I commented taking a bite out of the apple once Daryl hung up.

"Lemme see." I stuck out the candy to him but instead, he grabbed my face and pushed his lips on mine.

"I guess it's not that bad." He shrugged licking his lips as he pulled away leaving me a flustered mess.


Daryl Yan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now