Chapter 6: The Clan Meeting Goes wrong

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Naruto groaned in frustration as he look down into the letter the new Hokage sent him. Naruto was in his living room, while the kids were playing tag around the house, careful to not drop or hit anything important, knowing that the house was special to their father.

Dear Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Kurai,

           You are ordered to come into the conference room in the hokage's building, to speak about your position in leading the leaf's most powerful clans. So it is herby ordered by the Council members and a few Clan members to discuss and talk about your position.

                            The sixth Hokage.

    P.s bring your kids.

Already Naruto knew this was going to be a drag so he quickly put on a decent formal wear, which he had on black Anbu pants, a black tank top, long sleeved fishnet shirt, and a black cloak, similar to what his father the fourth hokage wore, except its black and has his clans symbols, on the left shoulder held the Uzumaki swirl, on his right shoulder held the complex Namikaze symbol, on his back a white symbol was shown.

Already Naruto knew this was going to be a drag so he quickly put on a decent formal wear, which he had on black Anbu pants, a black tank top, long sleeved fishnet shirt, and a black cloak, similar to what his father the fourth hokage wore, except...

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(This is not mine, grabbed it off of Google pictures.)

Naruto yelled out to his kids to come into his room, they stood side by side, Naruto held smaller versions of his cloak he explained, "You will only wear these if its for important issues like for council meetings and for Clan meetings, only for higher up reasons. Of course each coat is specially made to protect you kids, wear something decent for the meeting we are about to go into, for we are about to represent ourselves as future Clan Heads, and representatives." They nodded quickly and left to get ready.

They all came back wearing something similar to what Naruto was wearing rukia had a child black and white Kimono that didn't need the cloak, it was the same material and had the symbols in the right spots.

"Daddy, can you do my hair?" Rukia asked turning around. Naruto quickly had his dad instincts out and quickly put his daughter's hair into a elegant bun with Red hair chopsticks to hold it in place.

Once naruto was done he walked outside and picked up Rukia making sure to not ruin the Kimono and her hair. The boys ran next to Naruto and made it to the Hokage mansion.

They quickly walked in, held their heads up high, Naruto included some protective aura as he led his kids down the hall. Everytime someone would pass them they would pause and bow to greet the new clan leader, which was Naruto.

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