Chapter 6

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Dylan now well, actually Dalia

Weeks later and the use of a hair growing and gender-changing spell

Third Person POV

The tension in the dining room was terrifying. Draco and Dalia were glaring at each other across the table.

"That wasn't even half a bowl of soup," Draco snarled at the family's newest addition, his twin Dalia. "Yes, it was. And even if it wasn't, it's none of your business!" Dalia said, folding her arms in front of himself. "Dalia, you will eat this food right now, or I will force it down your throat!" Draco yelled. Dalia was so mad that she didn't know what she was doing that she doused Draco with his milk.

"What the hell!" Draco yelled at Dalia in anger. Dalia realized what she had just done and start to run, but Draco tripped her. Dalia hit her head on the wooden floor and screamed in pain.

Lucius, Blaise, and Theo came running into the dining room; Severus was getting ready for the school year. "What is going on?" Lucius asked, anger laced in every word.

"I-I," Draco couldn't even say anything.

Blaise and Theo were on either side of Dalia and were trying to see if she was okay, but every time they would try to touch her, she would scream even louder and cry harder. Lucius quickly went up to Dalia, trying to calm her down, but she wouldn't calm down.

"Draco, go to your room; you will stay there until Papa comes home," Lucius said, over Dalia's screaming and crying.

Draco, who didn't want to be in even more trouble, walked to his room and sat on his bed. Lucius picked his daughter up and started to walk to Dalia's bedroom, with Blaise and Theo behind him.

When they enter Dalia's room, Lucius sits on Dalia's bed, and Theo and Blaise on either side of her. They tried to help their dad calm Dalia down, but nothing would work.


After 20 minutes, Dalia still wouldn't calm down, and Lucius was worried that soon, she could get really sick. That's when Severus decided to come home.

When Severus enters the house, all he can hear is one of his children's painful screams. He quickly runs up the stairs and quickly figures out that the screams come from Dalia's bedroom.

When he enters the room, he sees Lucius holding Dalia with Theo and Blaise on either side. "Wh-why is Dalia screaming?" he asks, yelling.

"Papa!" Dalia screams, more tears running down her face. Severus quickly goes up to his youngest and picks her up, rocking her gently back and forth. That's when Dalia vomits all over her Papa, which makes her cry even harder. "Shh, it's okay. It was just an accident," Severus says, trying to calm down his child. "What happened?" Severus asks while he quickly grabs one of Dalia's nightgowns and lays her down on the floor, but when he's about to pull off Dalia's skirt, she screams out a loud no.

"Why not? We need to get you out of these vomit-covered clothes," Severus says. "Bu-bubbas will laugh at me," Dalia cries. "No, they won't. They love you," Severus says, trying to calm her down. She gives him a slight nod to tell him alright.

Severus quickly removes her shirt and then her skirt to reveal her wet diaper. "How long since she's had a change?" Severus asks. "I don't know," Lucius says.

"She told me that she hadn't wetted it yet." Severus undo the tabs, which reveals a big red rash. Everyone in the room gasps.

Dalia starts to cry even more. "I-it hurts! M-my head! Daddy! Papa!" Dalia screams in pain. From her head and bum. "Blaise, go start a bath for your sister," Lucius says; Blaise gets up and heads to Dalia's bathroom with Theo following him.

Severus picked his daughter up and shushed her, and she slowly calmed down. "What happened?" Severus asks. "Draco, come here, please," Lucius says, and Draco comes walking into the room.

"Would you like to explain to Papa?" he asks his son; Draco sits up and nods.

"Da-Dalia and I were arguing about her eating habits; I threatened her, telling her that I would force the food down her throat if I had to. That's when she doused me with her milk, and after she did that, I yelled at her and got scared and started to run away, but I tripped her, and she hit her head, screaming and crying. Then Dad, Blaise, and Theo came running in," Draco says. "Draco, go to the corner and wait until your twin sister is all calm and finally asleep, then you will get your punishment." His Papa said; Draco nodded and silently walked to the corner in his room.

"Bath's ready!" Blaise says. Lucius and Severus stand up with Dalia and walk into her bathroom, where Blaise and Theo were. Lucius quickly told the two boys to watch tv or something.

The boys do as their told, while Lucius and Severus try to bathe Dalia, which made her scream and cry in pain. They try to do everything as quickly and as soft as possible. Once done, Severus picks Dalia up and out of the bathtub and wraps her in a nice, fluffy pink towel.

Severus walks back into Dalia's bedroom and saw that Lucius was ready to put on her diaper and nightgown. When Dalia is finally ready for a nap, they lay her down in her carriage bed, and soon, she falls asleep, cuddling her stuffed wolf.

Kidnapped ~ Dylan Severus Snape-MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now