Chapter 5

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Draco's POV

I can't believe I have a twin brother!

When we get home, I run upstairs to my bedroom to play with my new potions set while Dad and Papa get Dylan's new room ready for him.

I then asked dad and papa to help me.

They come to my room with Dylan in dad's arms, and I can't help feel jealous.

"Draco, what do you need?" Papa asks me.

"Can I have a snack?" I ask sweetly.

"Of course, why don't you go ask Blaise and Theo if they want a snack too?" Dad asks me; I nod and leave the room with Dylan following behind me.

I first ask Theo, and then I turn to face Dylan, annoyed by him following me everywhere. "Stop following me!" I whisper/yell at him. He quickly runs away, and then I hear his bedroom door slam shut. I knock on Blaise's door, and he comes out of his room.

We all go downstairs and sit at the table, waiting for Dylan. "Blaise, please go get your brother," Papa says; Blaise nods and goes out of the kitchen/dining room.

Blaise's POV

I head upstairs and go into Dylan's bedroom. I find him asleep on his bed, curled up in a tight ball.

I sit down on his bed beside him and gently shake his shoulder, saying,

"Dylan, Dylan, wake up."

When he's awake, he puts his arms up, wanting me to hold him. I comply and carry him downstairs.

I sit him down in between me and Draco.

Papa and Dad had gotten oranges, strawberries, bananas, and watermelon for snacks. Dylan puts only a little bit of each on his plate and quietly eats it while I make conversation with Theo and Draco, and Mum and Papa talk to each other also.

Theo's POV

I, Draco, and Blaise are talking about Quittich, while Papa and dad talk about Dylan. I notice that Dylan is just sitting in his seat, eating quietly.

As we talk, I hear Dylan whisper something. "What did you say?" I ask.

"Um, Papa, d-daddy, can I ask you something?" Dylan whispers. "Of course, you can," papa says. "C-Can I ch-change my name?" "Yes, you can. What do you want to change it to?" Dad asks.

"Um, Dalia," Dylan whispers. "Ok, from now on, we will all call you Dalia," papa says. "Dalia, do you want to play with me, Blaise, and Draco after your done eating?" I ask him; she looks up at me and nods slowly.

5 minutes later

Dalia's POV

My brothers and I go upstairs and into my bedroom to play. Blaise gets out a box that he calls is a puzzle.

He dumps the pieces out and tells me that we have to put the pieces together. I start to put a few pieces together when I feel a sharp pain in my leg.

I look down to see a big red mark.

I look around to see everyone doing their part of the puzzle, but Draco has a smile on his face. After grabbing Cupcake and I quickly hide in a big closet, I silently walk out of my room. I hide under the shelves and cry silently.

Third Person POV

It's been an hour since Dalia has been missing, and everyone, except Draco, is going crazy with worry.

"Dalia!" everyone calls out.

Severus opens a closet, and when he goes to close the door, he hears a soft sniffle.

"Dalia?" Severus calls.

"Papa?" Dalia whispers.

Severus quickly calls for Lucius and tells him that she's found; Dalia then says, "yes, it's papa, Dalia. Will you please come out for me?" he asks his daughter.

She then slowly crawls out of his hiding place. "Papa!" Dalia yells; her papa picks his daughter up and carries her to his and Lucius's bedroom. Dalia clutches onto her papa's robes and cries into his shoulder.

"Shh Dalia, shh," Severus says, gently rubbing Dalia's back. After he enters his and Lucius's bedroom and lays Dalia down on the bed, Severus lies beside his daughter. Soon, they fall asleep, and that's how Lucius found them, Severus cuddling their now daughter.

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