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Marinettes Point of View

My leg was almost healed, the doctor said that it's fast recovery was miraculous, and it honestly was. I didn't even have to wear a cast anymore, but my leg still hurt. Even with the pain, I was glad that the cast was off so I wouldn't have to answer all of the questions I would certainly get. I'm pretty sure legs weren't supposed to break just by walking.

I was late to class as always and slid in next to Alya with a minute to spare. Adrien wasn't here yet.

"Do you know where Adrien is?" I asked Alya.

She shook her head and leaned forward in her seat to touch Nino on the shoulder, gaining his attention. "Where's Adrien?"

"I don't know if he's coming to school today, he broke his leg two days ago." He replied.

What a coincidence, my leg broke two days ago too.

"How did it break?" I quickly joined in on their conversation.

"His dad made him play soccer and he stepped on it wrong or something."

"What time was it when it happened?" I had to know how similar the two events were.

He shrugged. "Sometime in the middle of the day."

That was around the same time mine broke.

Alya butted in. "Why are you so obsessed with his broken leg, he broke his leg while playing soccer, that's all you need to know. You're focusing too much on this, even for you."

I ignored Alya and leaned in closer to Nino. "Which leg?"

"See for yourself." He gestured to the door where you could see Adrien slowly making his way towards us on crutches.

People started standing up and crowding around him, asking about what happened and how he was feeling.

He managed to slide into his seat just as the teacher walked in, making everyone else go to where they were supposed to.

"Okay class, today we are going to-" she looked at the books in her hand. "Oh no, I seemed to have forgotten my clipboard. I will be right back." She quickly left the room in search of her beloved clipboard, giving me time to examine Adriens broken leg.

It was on his left leg. Just like mine.

The cast went up to his knee. Just like mine did.

I tapped on his shoulder, making him turn. Normally, I would feel nervous under his gaze, but this time, I was filled with curiosity. "How bad is it?"

"The doctor said that the bone was shattered, but they said that it was healing incredibly fast. Apparently, someone else was in for the same injury, but they said that healed in a few hours, which is miraculously fast."

"Yeah, that person was me." I felt myself saying before I could stop myself. Why did I tell him that?! He will ask how it happened and I'd have to give my embarrassing answer.

He opened his mouth to do just that, but was cut off by the teacher coming in this time with her clipboard.

He'd certainly ask me later.

I was doomed.

So, to make it less confusing, Marinette had the direct healing power, so she was affected by it more than Adrien.

Sorry for the late update, and thank you to those who reminded me to update! It means so much to me that y'all like my book!

Love ya guys! 🦄


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