chapter 1

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i miss my dad.

it been about two months since this world has turned to shit. it's been two months of me being on my own.

god bless my daddy for teaching me survival skills before all this. my childhood plays a major part of who i am today.

i grew up hunting with my dad. i got my first bow at the age of six. shot my first deer at the age of seven. learned how to skin and clean animals and cook them by the time i was ten.

then about a month before all this, my dad got me the bow i carry around today for my 13th birthday.

the day dad and i got separated, i decided i wanted to go hunting by myself. my dad gave me his pistol to carry around just incase if i run into any trouble.

i went hunting by myself cause dad was with uncle merle. merle and i have never gotten along ever since i could remember. merle called dad his 'partner in crime' and was talking about literal crime. but when i came along dad had to change so he could be a good father. merle hated that i changed him.

but basically when i was hunting, i ran into a walker, so i ran straight home. when i got home, dad and uncle merle were gone. along with merle's motorcycle and daddy's crossbow. and i haven't seen them since.

i know dad wouldn't have left me willingly. i know for a fact that merle was to blame.

i remember exact details of this day. once i got home, i knew that i couldn't stay there. so i grabbed the things i knew i needed so that i could leave.

the first things i grabbed were canned food and water bottles to put in my book bag. and a can openers. dad had a stash of these things incase of emergencies.

then i went to my dad's closet to get weapons. i decided to only grab the things i knew how to use. i grabbed a machete, a pocket knife, and a hunting knife and put them in my bag. then i went over to the gun cabinet. i put in the combination and opened it up.

it was all wiped out besides my 4-10 shotgun. my dad had left it for me. i smiled and slung it over my back.

then i went to my bedroom. i sighed. this is probably the last time i'll ever see it. i went to my closet and grabbed a few extra clothes. not much. i grabbed a jacket, a flannel, a few extra shirts, and a few extra pants. just enough to keep me tied over. i also grabbed my first aid kit. that'll probably come in handy.

i then grabbed all my arrows that i own. which is a lot. and lastly i grabbed bullets. for both the pistol i was carrying and my shot gun. i walked towards my front door. "goodbye" i whispered.

that was my last day at home.

it's been about two months since that day.

since then i've been traveling north to atlanta. since it's the biggest city in georgia there has to be some survivors there. there just has to be.

i'm done being by myself. but then again i don't trust anyone.

the entire day has consisted of me just walking. walking and killing every walker i see. the entire day i've been making my way through a small town.

i didn't find much. a few cans of food which will come in handy later. that's about it. when i exited one of the houses on the path, i looked down the road. i smiled at what i saw. two horses.

i jogged down to the house and made my way to the horses. "hey, come 'ere" i said as calmly as i could. both of the horses came to me. "hi guys" i said petting them.

"excuse me" i heard someone say from behind me.

i must have jumped a foot up into the air. i immediately grabbed my pistol out of my holster and cocked it without hesitation . in one quick motion, i held it up and aimed it at the man.

he was young, mid 30s maybe. he had on a sheriffs outfit.

"woah" he said raising his hands. i kept a straight face and kept my pistol up. "hey, i'm not going to hurt you. my name is rick grimes. are you by yourself?" he said calmly.

i didn't say anything. i still remained holding the pistol up. i don't know if i can trust him. "i'm just trying to make my way to my son and wife" he said desperately.

i un-cocked my pistol and put it back in the holster. i've been waiting for this moment. to find people. "yeah, it's just me. i'm trying to find my dad." i said. "ok, we can help eachother" he said coming a little closer.

"what's your name?" rick asked. "reagan dixon" i said.

"how old are you?" rick then asked. "13" i responded quickly. "you're that young and you've made it all by yourself?" he asked surprised. i nodded.

he then just stayed silent. he was thinking. "i'm headin' to atlanta. see what luck i have there" i said walking back over to the horses. "we can use them to help us get there" rick said walking over to me. i nodded.

we saddled up the horses and pulled out the map to find atlanta. i let rick lead. i think i can trust this guy but i'm not sure. i'm gonna take the chance though.

worst comes to worse i could just go in the opposite direction as him without behind noticed. that's why i let him lead.

i always have a plan to get myself out of every situation if needed.

after what seemed like forever, we finally made it to atlanta. the streets were completely silent. i looked around at the once lively city, it's destroyed now. it's absolutely nothing.

rick made a left turn down a street and ran into an entire group of walkers. there had to be hundreds of them. "go back! go back!" he yelled. there were then walkers coming from ever direction. and they were clawing at the horses.

"rick! in there!" i said pointing to the army tank. i hopped off the horse and sprinted to the tank with rick right behind me. he shot a walker that was in our way, and we both climbed into the tank and shut it right as walkers started surrounding us.

there was a walker inside the tank. i quickly grabbed my bow and shot it. when i yanked the arrow out he nodded his head. i nodded it back.

"hey you two, dumb asses, yeah in the tank. cozy in there?" a voice sounded from the radio hung from the top of the tank.

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