I'm Going To Get My Revenge

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Abrelle's POV

"There is a complication," the doctor says. "During the collision he hit his head, which caused his brain to begin swelling. We made the decision to put him in a medically induced coma in hopes of reducing the swelling with medication and time. . .The only problem is with these injuries we cannot be sure how the brain will react and it is possible that he may never recover."

He may never recover.

Samantha and David immediately begin crying loudly and I turn to see tears streaming down Genesis' face.

I sit there trying my best to push back the tears currently threatening to spill down my face. 

"How long is he going to be in a coma?" I ask. 

"It all depends," the doctor explains. "Every body is different and we just have to wait and see how long it takes for him to heal. The good thing is we can reverse the coma as soon his brain is no longer swollen."

"Okay," I nod taking a deep breath. "How long before we start seeing improvements?"

"We can't be sure," he says. "Something to keep in mind is there is a possibility that even if he wakes up he might never be the same again. These accidents can cause, in some cases, permanent brain damage."

"What does that mean?" Genesis asks. 

"It means that even if his brain is no longer swollen," the doctor frowns "it is possible that he may have difficulty with things like speaking, walking, eating, or memory. Those are only some of the issues he may have." 

"Is it possible that he may recover without any permanent brain damage?" I ask, trying to keep my voice from trembling. 

Keep it together Abrelle. 

You can't break down right now. Nat is waiting for you outside and she cannot see you broken down. She needs you to be strong. 

Be strong. 

"Yes," the doctor nods. "Although it's not very likely, it is possible that he will have no permanent damage."

Breathe in. Breathe out. 

"Thank you very much doctor," I stand up as soon as my legs feel strong enough to hold me. "Is there any way that we can see him?"

"Yes," he nods. "We think it's best if only two people at time go in. The room is quite small and it's best that way."

"Of course," I nod before the doctor exits the room. 

"How are we doing this?" Genesis asks, I can tell she's giving me a strange look. 

In fact, they're all looking at me like I'm some strange creature. 

"Ms. Abrelle," the door opens and I see Will with Nat enter. She's awake and with a big frown on her face. "She said she wanted her mom and I saw the doctor leave. I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Of course not Will," I say and extend my arms out to Nat. "Come here baby."

She immediately let's go of Will's hand and runs into my arms giving me a tight embrace. 

"Mama," she cries wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"You want some milk?" I ask and she nods placing her head on my chest as she rubs her big blue eyes, a clear sign of sleepiness.  I quickly pick her up and take a seat allowing her to make herself comfortable in my arms. 

Girl With The Heart Full Of RevengeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin