I'm Sure His Fiancée Would Love That

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Abrelle's POV 

It's been two weeks since Elliot showed me my old apartment and I'm still waiting on the evidence he claims to have on my father's supposed murder.  I'm sitting in my office staring at an empty monitor in front of me wondering how my father could have been killed. I keep asking myself the same questions every day, it's killing me. 

Was it Elizabeth? Or was it Stephan? 

Or worse, was it Alisson? is that really worse?

But in order for anyone to get the company I would have to be gone as well, so why not kill me? Why kill Luis? Was it not easier to dispose of me to then receive the company? 

Yet Nathan was next in line. But he'd always been adamant about not wanting to run the company. Was he simply not a threat to whoever wanted control?

All of this is confusing and painful to think about. Sitting here contemplating who in your "family" killed your father and wanted to get rid of you for money. 

"Ms. Louise," I look up and see Elizabeth's head peaked into my office. "Elliot Stone is here, is he allowed to come in and speak to you?" 

"Of course," I tell her and she nods giving me a sarcastic smile. She never does have a good attitude, but can I blame her? I do torment her every chance I get, not that she doesn't deserve it. 

"Hey Abrelle," Elliot walks in, he's dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a white v-neck shirt. "Are you ready to go?"

Things have been different between me and Elliot since he showed me the apartment. I mean, the fact that he has been working on all of this shows me that I can trust him, right? We've been hanging out a lot more, mostly in the apartment trying to figure out what the hell is going on. 

But I have also been trying my best to be nicer to him. I would never tell him that or say it out loud but I'm doing the best I can. 

"Hey, Stone" I take a hold of my purse and keys before standing up. "I'm ready when you are." 

"You know I hate that you call me Stone, right?" he scoffs as I open my office door and walk out. 

"Elizabeth," I say as I walk up to her desk directly across my office door. "Cancel all my afternoon meetings. Send Ryder to the financial update meeting and have him leave his notes on my desk."

"Ms. Louise," she says, her voice clearly irritated. "You have important meetings today, meetings you should attend." 

"I didn't ask for advice Elizabeth," I scoff and she rolls her eyes, but I ignore it. "Also, Elliot Stone is always allowed into the office, he doesn't have to check in with you." 

"Ms. Louise," she starts, but I immediately cut her off. 

"Leave any messages you take or mail on top of my desk," I say before walking towards the exit of the building, Elliot following closely behind. 


"Are we going to the apartment?" I ask as Elliot drives and he shakes his head. 

He's been silent since we left the office, not a word. 

"Are you okay?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders. "Did I do something?"

"No," he says as he continues to focus on the road ahead. 

Mhm, I don't know why I care if he might be mad at me. I didn't do anything, at least not that I remember. 

And Elliot's not one to get upset over small things so if he's in a strange mood it's because something important happened.

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