It's Time To Stop Hiding

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Abrelle's POV

Dear Journal,

I never thought I'd ever write in this journal again. In fact I never thought I would ever feel the need to have a journal, but jail can get boring and writing always made me feel like I had something to do other than hide from Bull.

You're probably thinking; Abrelle where the hell have you been?

Well, it's been two years since I got out of prison and I've been living in New York with Noah.

Now you're probably asking; How the hell did you get to New York?

After I left prison I had what you could possibly consider a mental breakdown where I completely trashed my apartment. So I decided I wanted to get away from all my problems before I became completely insane and I thought New York was a good choice.

Now that's a reasonable question; What have you been doing all this time?

Nothing, really, mostly working. I got a job in a company called Fetta, they sell clothes, as the financial secretary. It's not the greatest job in the world, but I like it.

Noah got a job in a lawyer agency in charge of civil defense and he's been loving it. Especially considering he got a lot of publicity out of the Abrelle Louise case and he's been offered millions of jobs all over the world which has given him the opportunity to travel to Australia, Germany, and even Brazil.

Okay, good question; Are you and Noah together?

No. I haven't even considered dating anyone after Elliot. He really did a number on me and I'm barely starting to get better. Sometimes I wish I could just fall madly in love with him and we'd end up happily ever after, but life never seems to work out the way you want it to.

Do you want to go back to San Francisco?

Yes, I think It's time to stop hiding.

"Elle," I hear Noah unlock the front door and I put down my journal.

"I'm in my room," I yell out and I can hear him put down his keys.

"How was your day?" he replies walking into my room.

"Peachy," I smile. "How was work?"

"Not so great," he sits on the edge of my bed. "You know Margaret my co-worker, she just got fired today."

"I liked her," I fake a frown.

"No you didn't," he laughs. "You hated her guts."

"Well, she was always making nasty comments about my hair," I shrug.

"She made one comment," he pretends to be frustrated "and you held it against her forever."

"That's what girls do," I chuckle "we hold grudges."

"Is that so?" he questions.

"Yes it is," I say.

"I got dinner reservations at Luigi's," Noah says out of the blue.

Oh no, Noah's been making random date nights and romantic guestures. I think he thinks its been long enough and he can start making his move.

"Great," I lie, a big fake smile on my face. "I love eating there. At what time?"

"At seven," he smiles pleased with himself and I feel terrible for lying to him.

"Yeah at seven," I continue smiling.

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