Special Chapter: Prank Call

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A/N: Okay, before we start this chapter, let me just say that I've got all the Gom's phone numbers and this chapter is just a special side story and does not effect the actual story. There are gonna be at least more than 3 side story's. The special chapters are just for comedic relief. Okay? Got it? Good, over and out.

"Alright, now that I've met all the Gom, I can finally set my plan in motion." Mackenzie grinned evily and looked over her list. "Hmmm, the first thing on the list is a prank call. Now, who should I prank call?"

"It'd be pretty amusing to prank call Midorima or Akashi. No, it can't be Akashi, he's rich enough to use his money to find the location of the caller and frankly, I don't feel like dying by a pair of scissors. As for Midorima, well I've got something else in store for him. So they're out." She thought about the rest of them. "Kise? While I love his cute crying face, I don't want to add to the load of bullying he gets everyday from Kasamatsu. Kagami and Kuroko? No, they are really nice gentlemen so I can't possibly ruin their man ego from this prank phone call. Murasakibara....don't even get me started."

"So, I guess the only person left is Aomine. Actually, he'd be the perfect victim. I could get revenge on him for looking at my boobs." She remembered this really funny youtube video and decided to use that. (A/N: It's actually true, the video is called LOTR: Easter Egg)

She went to a phone booth and typed in Aomine's number. She cleared her throat, ready to speak in her German accent.


Aomine's POV:


"Guten-Tag!" an energetic German accent replied. What the hell? How did this guy get my number?

"Ist zist za residenze of..uh..Aomine Zaiki?"

"Yeaaah..." I said with slight suspicion. I wasn't really sure if it was a guy or a girl, the accent was kind've hard to understand. Maybe it's a guy?

"Ah! Excellent, excellent! First of all Mr. Aomine, I vould like to say zist ist an incredible, incredible honor to speak to you. Incredible honor," The German added in a low exited tone, which made me a little uncomfortable.

"Oh excuse meh!" the voice said suddenly, "I forgot mine manners, I vas just so excited to meet you." Okay, this is officially creeping me out. "Um...mine name ist Jorgin Van-" The person hesitated for a second, "Schmeltzmabaken."

This guy's name is Van-smell-my-bacon?

"I vork for zuh German male modeling agency of Luxenberg. Ve have heard vonderful szings about you Mr. Aomine."

Okay...this has to be a joke.

"What?" was all I could say in a distraught voice. There was a muffled sound at the end. Was this guy laughing?

"Look pal," I said, temper spiking, "if you think I'm gonna fall for this sick prank of yours, you got another thing comin. Now who the hell this?!"

"I-I do not understand Mr. Aomine," the voice said confused. "V-vould you like meh to introduze myself onze more? Mine name ist-"

"I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!" I yelled. "Look man, I'm not interested-"

"But you vere recommended to us by a cloze friend of yourz, did he not inform you of zis? His, his name ...hmm let's see...I believe it vas...Kise Zryouta?... He has already filled out your papervork and sent in your confirmation form."

"Kise?" I snarled into the phone. That son of a bitch! He probably would set me up with something like this. I'M GONNA KILL THAT DUMB BLONDE!

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