Magi: The Winner

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Task 6 reminded us all that even though Vaxon was dead, the entire realm of Castre was in total chaos. This was to show the aftermath of how the tributes handled the chaotic situation and decided who would rule next. Task Seven was the finals and the five finalists: Eridian, written by ariel_paiment1; Aelia, written by music1or1books, Kalix, written by wordsmith-, and Lilja, written by WhovianHorseLover, had to bring their stories to an end and give their characters closure, showing what had happened in the past several years since the war's end.

Fourth place went to wordsmith-. Third place was a tie between ariel_paiment1 and Several7s. Second place went to music1or1books.

 Second place went to music1or1books

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The winner was WhovianHorseLover. She wrote a beautiful character, Lilja Svana, who had endured so much during the story of the Magi, including the loss of her sister, Chanel. She is an absolutely fantastic author, who stopped participating in AG's shortly after Magi. She's been a host in the past and I was honored to have her participate in mine as long as she did. Some of her books on her page had once included her Author Games Compilation, which contains all her work from all the Author's Games she participated in, and Dark Horse, which was a fantastically written novel I enjoyed reading. Currently, she has a Cover Maker that has been closed and I don't think she's on wattpad anymore, sadly but we still want to give her a shout-out because she was SO amazing! WE MISS YOU!

 Currently, she has a Cover Maker that has been closed and I don't think she's on wattpad anymore, sadly but we still want to give her a shout-out because she was SO amazing! WE MISS YOU!

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