Chapter 18 - Getting in the Mood

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 I continued to follow Sirius Black down the street right as the muggle authorities arrived. We casually walked down the street and into a dark alley way before I could see that he was about to apparate.  I quickly ran and jumped just in time to catch him and ride along with him. We appeared in the middle of a street where I could see houses all around. He began to walk, looking for something on the ground. He came to a halt as he saw something and began to chance after it until he cornered whatever it was to a brick wall. He was just about to confront it when...

________ In the hospital wing....

I shot up out of the bed I was in with no warning. Looking around, I saw no one around me. I was in the hospital wing and it was completely empty. Some chairs were moved around my bed and another bed had been put close to mine. I started to get up when Madam Pomfrey rushed over yelling at me.

"Rest, Rest! You need your rest young lady. You passed out. I will let the Headmaster know you have come to. You are now only allowed 2 guests at the moment. Is there someone else I can get?"

With no hesitation I said, "Hermione Granger."

She smiled and nodded walking out the door leaving me once again alone with my thoughts until I heard rushing feet and saw the curly hair of my best friend rush through the door. She came over and hugged me.

"Of course you would wake up the one time that I left to use the restroom," she laughed as she made me scoot over so she could sit next to me, "what is up with you and this hospital wing for real? You may as well just live here."

"I mean, the beds are comfy. How long was I out?"

"Only through the night. Not nearly as bad as last time. What in the world happened?"

I knew I probably shouldn't tell her, but I did anyway. I told her everything I told Dumbledore and then all that happened in my dream last night. I made her swear not to tell anyone. She nodded in deep thought as Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey walked through the door. Dumbledore had a seat next to the bed and Madam Pomfrey went back to her office.

"You're starting to make some bad habits my dear. What happened this time?" he asked, not caring of Hermione was there to listen. I told him what happened and he sat there more puzzled than before.

"So in these dreams, you are there? It's not like you are watching from a third person point of view? Or you just know what happens and it's over?"

"No sir. It feels as real as this right now. Not foggy or anything. And I swear sometimes they sense my presence."

He looked down at the floor planning out his response for this.

"I don't know what to say Ms. Tonks other than I am completely dumbfounded at your situation. I can't think of any reasonable explanation for these events. It seems we will just have to wait this out. As for now, I believe you may go with Ms. Granger back to your dormitories seeing as it is a Sunday. Enjoy the rest of your day and try to stay out of trouble."

He stayed in place as Hermione and I walked back up stairs. I asked about Harry and what I had missed. Apparently Cedric Diggory caught the snitch right after Harry fell off his broom. Cedric felt horrible about the way he had won and had tried to schedule a rematch but it was no use. The game had been won, fair or not. But on the bright side, Harry was okay. Besides the fact that he needed a new broom..

The next few weeks were uneventful. Lupin had promised to teach Harry how to ward off dementors, Ravenclaw beat Hufflepuff at Quidditch, and all that sort of stuff. December 17th came around and everyone was getting in the Christmas spirit. I had started to pack up and everything so I could go home for Christmas. I was sad to leave Hogwarts, but I really missed my parents and sister. Plus, I'd get to spend more time with Kenz. I still barely see her so it'd be nice to have more time with her. I laid down looking at all I had packed before I went down to the common room and saw everyone hanging out around the warm fire, cups of hot cocoa in their hands. I smiled to myself as I saw all the happy faces chatting away. I saw the trio and the rest of the Weasley's and knew the empty spot by them was for me, an extra cup of cocoa in George's hand. I walked over to them and George handed me my drink, and motioned for me to sit with him on the love seat by the fire, while Fred leaned on the other side.

We all talked until we started to drift off. The laughter was dying down and we all decided to go to sleep. I stared at the fire while everyone was getting up. I looked to my side and realized George was still beside me. While I had been looking at the fire, he had been looking at me smiling. I looked in his eyes, but instead of looking away like we usually did, we just smiled goofy grins at each other and stayed there in our comfortable silence before I couldn't keep my eyes open any more. We stood up, and he gave me a long hug before letting me go upstairs. I got in my pajamas, still smiling while I climbed into bed falling into a dreamless night. And to be honest with you, I was okay with that.

________________________________________ The Next Day

It was our final Hogsmeade trip before Christmas, and I knew I had to get presents for everyone. I already had my list and new what I was buying for everyone.


Christmas List:

Mom- Turquoise Necklace with matching earrings

Dad-   Anything to do with muggles

Dora- Cute necklace & the gateway journal

Kenz- That pair of shoes she talks about

Hermione- "The Secrets behind the Wand" by Henry Grimmage & All books I see that she hasn't read

Harry-Hopefully a new broom

Ron- Chudley Cannons everything

Ginny- That special necklace she talk about

Fred- TBA            + Money for WWW

George-TBA           ^

Luna- "What's really out there" by Newt Scammander

Cho- That jacket

Draco- TBA

Alex- Friendship Bracelet

Blaise- "How to Ask Girls Out 101" – John Blue

Narcissa- Diamond necklace & any muggle books (Narnia, Alice in Wonderland)

Pansy- TBA

Lucy- Pandora Bracelet



All the girly things were explainable. I want to by Harry a broom, but I think I'll wait until after Christmas. I don't know why, but every time I think about it I just get this feeling. I'm going to listen to it, but I'll get him something anyways just in case. My dad loves muggles, mostly because he's muggle born. Anything to remind him of his childhood would be great.  The gateway journal I want to get for Dora is so we can write back and forth without sending owls. It's new, so I hope it doesn't sell out. The book for Hermione, she's been hinting at forever so that's obviously what I'm getting her. Most of the other things are self-explanatory, and the TBA's mean that I'm still trying to come up with the perfect idea. By the way, Alex and I made up a few days ago. We saw each other in the hallway and just ran to each other apologizing and started to laugh and hug. I just forgot to write it down. Anyways, I hope to find most of those things today. But first, I'm gonna go eat. Bye!

Morgan Tonks. A mystery all her own.. ( a Harry Potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now