The Big Day

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Annabeth's P.O.V.

It was two hours before the wedding, and my bridesmaids, plus my mom, Percy's mom, and the two flower girls were getting ready. People would be arriving soon. All the gods agreed to come. Apollo would be playing music, and the rest of the gods would be seated in the audience.

 For the bridesmaids, we put their hair in a Dutch braid that lay on one shoulder, and put on a light layer of makeup. They pulled on their dresses, and put their bouquets of blue and purple flowers near the door to pick up. The flower girls, both two years old, wore little pink dresses, with a headband that had a pink flower on it. They would carry green baskets, and throw down petals of red and white. For me, they used half my hair to make two braids leading back to a small bun, and the rest of my hair down in curls. They put on makeup, but not much more than we put on the bridesmaids. I had on pink lip gloss, light pink eyeshadow, black mascara, little bit of blush, and a tad bit of highlight. I pulled on my dress, straightening the skirt and fixing the belt. I attached the cape to the back of the dress, and slid on the seashell crown, careful to not disturb my hair. I had to admit, I looked gorgeous. All my bridesmaids squealed and gave me hugs. 

"You look absolutely stunning, Annabeth," Sally said smiling. I gave her a hug.

"I agree. You look like a princess, dear," Athena said.

"Thanks, Mom," I said. She also hugged me, which surprised me a little bit. 

 "Sally, you are a very nice woman. Thank you for everything you have done for my daughter, and I'm so glad you are going to be her mother," my mom smiled at Sally.

"You're welcome. She's been like a daughter to me for a long time." My eyes filled with tears, and I hugged Sally again. Just then my dad burst into the room. He froze when he saw me.

"Oh my gods, Annabeth you look so beautiful," he said, giving me a hug.

"Thanks Dad," I replied. I looked at the clock on the wall. I picked up my bouquet of pink and white flowers.  "Everyone ready to go? People should be seating by now, so we should head to the staging room girls." My mom and Sally wished me good luck and went to sit down. We got to the room, and met with the groomsmen. I heard music, and I knew Percy was walking down the aisle with his mom, who was giving him away. Then Calypso nudged her daughter, and Sasha and Estelle toddled down the aisle together, throwing petals along the floor. Then they sat down next to Sally. The tune changed and Thalia (Maid of Honor), walked down the aisle with Grover (Best Man). Then Piper and Jason. Then Hazel and Frank, and lastly Calypso and Leo. Finally it was just me and my dad. 

"Good luck, gorgeous," my dad said, squeezing my hand. "Knock that boy off his feet." I giggled. The Wedding March played, and my dad took my arm, and I walked out of the room through the flowery doorway. 

Percy's P.O.V.

It was an hour before the wedding. The guys and I, plus Paul, Poseidon, and Annabeth's dad were getting ready. The girls left an hour ago, but since we didn't have makeup and hair stuff to do, we just sat and chatted. Then we went into a changing room and pulled on our tux's. We spent the hour fixing each other's hair and straightening clothes (I know we sound like girls).

"Percy?" Mr. Chase asked. "I just wanted to say thank you for making my daughter so happy. You're going to make an excellent son-in-law." I smiled and gave him a man-hug.

"It's my pleasure, sir. Thank you for giving me your blessing." He nodded.

"I'm so proud of you Percy. You have grown up so much and done so many amazing things, and I don't think I tell you enough how proud I am of you, and how glad I am to be your dad," Poseidon said. I'll admit my eyes got a little misty, and he gave me a hug. 

"I agree. I know I don't know half of what you've been through, but I can't tell you how happy I am to be your stepdad," Paul said, smiling at both me and my dad. My dad (Poseidon), smiled back. Just then mom burst in. She saw me and smiled.

"You look so handsome, sweetheart," she said. Then she addressed my two dads. "Paul and Poseidon, you guys should take your seats. People are filing in." They both nodded and wished me good luck before taking off. I nodded to my groomsmen, and they also wished me good luck. I stood with my mom right behind the entry to the aisle. Chiron was waiting at the alter. Finally everyone was settled, and Apollo began playing. I walked down the aisle with my mom. When we reached the alter, she kissed my cheek, and sat down next to Paul and Poseidon, who were both grinning at me. So was Athena surprisingly. Then little Sasha Valdez and my adorable sister came toddling down the aisle, throwing petals and looking at me for approval. I smiled at them, and they happily sat next to my mom. The music changed, and Thalia and Grover walked down the aisle, Thalia taking her place across from me and Grover behind me. After, Piper and Jason, Hazel and Frank, and lastly, Calypso and Leo followed, taking their places behind Thalia and me. The Wedding March began playing and everyone stood. Then I saw Annabeth. I had a tough time keeping my jaw off the ground. She looked absolutely stunning. She was in a gorgeous dress that was strapless, and had a misty looking skirt. There was a sand-like cape draped from her shoulders, and a seashell crown sat at her head. She looked like she was glowing. I knew my dad must have given her this dress, and made a mental note to thank him later. I beamed at her, my eyes growing slightly wet.  She was smiling at me. She reached the alter, and her dad kissed her cheek and took his seat. She walked the rest of the way, and handed her bouquet to Thalia behind her.

We turned to Chiron, who had a twinkle in her eye. Honestly I kind of tuned out, just staring at Annabeth and running my vows through my head. Then I heard Chiron.

"It's time for the vows. Percy, your vows." I took a deep breath.

"Annabeth, from the moment I met you, I knew you were the one. You are fierce, smart, beautiful, kind, amazing, and so determined. Once you set your mind to something, you will do it. That's one of the things I love about you. I love your smile. I love your laugh. I love the way you twirl your hair. I love everything about you. I love you, and I never want to do anything without you. You are my other half, the half I cannot live without. You're my Wise Girl, Annabeth." She smiled, and her eyes became wet. Mine were misty too. I looked into the audience and saw my mom crying. 

"That was beautiful, Percy. Annabeth?" Chiron smiled.

"Percy, you and I have known each other since we were twelve. I had a crush on you then, and look how that's developed. I feel so honored to be here with you. You always know how to make me laugh, or you know how to make me feel better. When we're in danger, you always put me first. You always do what's right. You are selfless, sweet, caring, funny, and amazing. You may be a Seaweed Brain, but you're my Seaweed Brain. I love you, and I can't wait to finish our incredible journey together." I smiled at her and took her hand, and squeezed.

"It's time for rings. Grover?" Grover pulled the rings out from his pocket. I slid a silver ring, with a diamond in it, onto her finger. She slid a gold ring, with "Percy and Annabeth, August 18", engraved on the inside onto my finger.

"Percy, do you promise to love and cherish Annabeth, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

"I do." My heart filled with love as I looked at her.

"Annabeth, do you promise to love and cherish Percy, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" 

"I do." My heart swelled.

"Percy, you may kiss the bride." I put my hands on either side of her face and kissed her deeply. I heard the cheering and whistling and clapping in the background, but my sole focus was on Annabeth. We waved at the crowd, and Annabeth took her bouquet from Thalia, and we exited the building to go to the reception.

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