Wedding Shopping

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Annabeth's P.O.V.
Percy and I finished college in New Rome a year ago, and have lived together since then. Percy graduated with a degree in marine biology, and I graduated with one in architecture. After the Greek and Roman demigods made peace with each other, they created a town outside Camp Jupiter, close to the ocean, for demigods to settle down. Protective shields spread across this town, called Oceanside, so that monsters and mortals couldn't come in. Only mortals who knew about gods and demigods, such as Percy's or my parents, could enter the town. Percy and I had a apartment close to the heart of the city. Piper and Jason were married. Hazel and Frank hadn't gotten married yet, but I was sure they would do it soon. Will and Nico had also gotten married.

Percy proposed to me three months ago, and of course I said yes. The wedding was to be in one month, and I was going dress shopping with my bridesmaids, while Percy found a cake and tuxedos with his groomsmen.

Thalia, Hazel, Piper, Calypso, and I headed to the Oceanside Bridal Beauty store.

"Hey Calypso, how's Sasha?" Hazel asked as we walked. Sasha was Leo and Calypso's girl. She was now two years old and absolutely adorable. Leo and Calypso had gotten married four years ago.

"She's good! She's staying with Nico and Will right now. She's learning to talk and it's quite amusing," Calypso said giggling. We giggled with her.

When we got to the store, we found bridesmaid dresses fairly easily. They were sleeveless dresses that started out cream-colored on top, then deepened into green and blue, making the skirts look like waves when they walked. The dress ended mid calf. I tried on dress after dress, but none of them made me feel like a bride. Suddenly, a very enthusiastic worker burst through the back door and said, "Ms. Chase! A dress was delivered for you." She gestured for me to follow her, and I did, very confused. I entered a fitting room, and this perfect dress waited, fitted on a mannequin.

It was a strapless dress, with little olive branches sewn on the neckline. It was fitted silk until the waist, where it burst out, and flowed to the floor. A netting covered the skirt, with at least a thousand crystals sewn into it, making it look like morning dew. A belt of seashells was tied around the waist. Rather than a veil a gorgeous seashell crown was placed at the head. There was a cape-like material that started at the shoulders, made of what looked like white sand, flowing out to the floor. It merged with the misty skirt to create a gorgeous long train. The dress was pure white, and it seemed to radiate light, if that was possible.

"Wow!" Annabeth breathed. "How much is it?" I looked at the the salesgirl.

"It's free," she replied smiling. "Someone delivered as a gift specifically for you. They left a note." I walked closer to the dress, and I did in fact find a note. It read: "Dear Annabeth, You are a good woman and I'm sorry for any trouble I have caused you. Thank you for making my son happy. -Poseidon". I smiled happily. Thank you Poseidon, I said in my head.

"Can you wrap it up?" I asked the salesgirl quietly. She nodded and gently picked it up. Us girls went our separate ways. I headed home, and hid the dress in my storage cabinet in my office, somewhere Percy never went. Then I sat on the couch and read, waiting for Percy to get home.

Percy's P.O.V.

After Annabeth and the girls headed out, me and the guys left to the cake store in town, run by Katie and Travis Stoll. They had gotten married and she was pregnant with a baby boy. We were all laughing and talking about random stupid things. When we got there, Katie greeted us.

"Hey Katie! How are you?" I asked. She didn't look too pregnant.

"I'm good! I'm about five months along, and so far it's been a breeze."

"That's excellent! Anyway we're here for-"

"A wedding cake, I know Percy," Katie cut me off laughing. I blushed and laughed. "I custom made a cake for you guys as soon as I heard the news of the engagement." She reached behind the counter and pulled out an iPad (specially made by Leo so it doesn't combust). She pulled up a 3D diagram of a cake. It had 4 layers. One side was white, and it had little brown gold balls of frosting on the entire half. I could tell they were olives. On the top of the white half, there was a little Annabeth figurine in a white dress, with a owl on her shoulder, symbolizing her wisdom. The other side was a blue-green swirl making it look like waves. There were small dots of white, which I assumed were pearls or mist. On top of the blue half there was a little Percy figurine in a black suit, holding hands with the Annabeth figurine. In mini-Percy's other hand there's a conch shell, which I'm holding up to my lips, as though I'm going to blow. The cake was really gorgeous. Katie perfectly symbolized the joining of Athena's child and Poseidon's kid.

"It's perfect, Katie. You did an amazing job," I smile. She nodded.

"Thanks. Annabeth had told me you guys would drop by today, so I made a sample of the cake. It doesn't have the frosting, but at least you can taste the cake." Katie passed around plates with a piece of cake in it. It was a chocolate cake. The boys all dug in, grunting in approval.

"It's delicious," Jason said with his mouth full. "You really have a way with cakes." She laughed.

"This is absolutely perfect. I can't thank you enough," I said after I finished.

"No problem," she said laughing, as she handed us napkins, a polite way of telling us to wipe our faces. "The frosting will be vanilla flavored, and in the center of the cake, there will be a filling of frosting."

"Sounds great. Thanks again, Katie." I piled our plates by the sink. We waved goodbye, and headed to the tux shop. We found the tux's easily. For the groomsmen, it was a black suit jacket and pants, with a blue tie, white shirt, and no vest. For me, I also picked a grey suit jacket and pants, but with a green tie, white shirt, and a grey vest. I really liked it actually. We had our tux's wrapped up, and we all went home. I found Annabeth already home, and I slipped into our bedroom to put my tux away. I hid my tux in our bedroom closet, in a secret little compartment Annabeth didn't know about. Then I went downstairs and ate dinner with my fiancé, both of us excited about our upcoming wedding.

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