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1 week later

Eddie POV

When this all started I never thought I would date Richie or admit it in front of everyone. 

It was ugly. Bowers was punching Richie. And I yelled at him, told him to stop. Everyone was looking at us.

Richie told me to shut up and go away but I didn't I stayed and he punched me too. When he stopped he said to me

Bowers: So are you proud of being gay?

E: I am. Very

And everyone started to be supportive with me. They helped me and Bowers is now home cause his dad is pissed off with him.

Then I went to Richie and said I was sorry about all that happened and he said he was proud of me. That having me by his side was all he could ever ask for.

"How gay"I thought cause I never thought of Richie saying those things.

And then I became the most stupid person on earth. I broke up with him.

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