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E: "Okay Rich I'll stay"

R: "Yey I know you wouldn't be a dick to me"

E: "I already am"


E: "I'm a dick. An asshole and I'm everything but brave"

R: "Shit dude I knew it. You're not ok. And yeah right you're an asshole but just for me. It's like... a cute thing"

E: "A cute thing? Are you serious?"

R"When I call you an asshole I don't mean it. It's just... I have problems and I use this to get them out of my head"

E: "I know Rich I have problems too."

R: "Why are you saying you're not brave? Because you can't stood up to your mom?"

E: "Yeah but there's more"

R: "What then?

E: "I can't tell you. I told you I'm not brave enough for that."

R:" I know you'll tell me when you're ready. Can we sleep now?" (reddie jahdunax sorry babes) 

E: "Where do I sleep?"

R: "Right here with me you asshole"

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