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in the hospital

D:"He's waking up. You can go"

R:"What happened?"

E:"Well you broke your head."

R:"How long have I been here?"

E:"2 days."

R:" Where are my parents?"

E:" They... they couldn't make it"

R" Yeah why does that not surprise me?"

A tear rolled down my face and Eddie saw it so I turned around not to face him.

E:"Richie c'mon don't be a dick"

R:"I really don't wanna talk"

E:"Not even with the guy who waited 2 days in this disgusting hospital until you wake up"

R: "You skipped school?"

E: "I did"

R: "No shit."

E: "I really did you dumbass"

R: "Why would you do that?"

E:"Wouldn't you do that for me?"

My brain instantly said "YES!" but I couldn't say it. I really wanted to but I don't know why I keep getting nervous around this asshole.

E:"Of course you wouldn't" he said. "I'll go home."

R:"No please" I grabbed his arm. "And..."

E: "What?"

R: "You can be sure I would do the same for you"

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