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later that night

S: So are you guys going to Linda's party?

R: Shit I forgot about that

E: You wanna go...? We can if you wanna...

R: No. I wanna stay with you

M: My heart just melted

Bev: I feel you

Bill: So I-I guess we'll s-see you later!

Eddie had a full backpack and he started running into the woods. It was already midnight and it was really dark.

I was surprised about Eddie not being afraid. Then I saw light and he stopped.

He sit on the grass and that was it. We were on top of a mountain with a perfect view of the stars.

E:Are you going to stay there?

R: No, I'm just surprised

E: about what?

R: About you knowing this place

E: I like to come here alone so I can think

R: That's stupid

E: You're stupid

Richie stared at Eddie for a while. Then he started getting closer to him. At some point they were really close and then Richie wasn't afraid anymore. No Bowers, rumors, whatever it was. Nothing scared him there with Eddie.

So he hold Eddie's hand and heard his voice saying:

E: "Are you waiting for something dumbass?"

R: Yeah for you to kiss me

And so Eddie did. And they kissed for a while. And when I say a while... I mean A WHILE.

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