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I woke up to my alarm going off in my bedroom.
"Fucks sake" I groaned and lifted myself up off the floor. My whole body ached and I reeked of vomit. After jumping in the shower, I walked through the flat with a towel on to get some clothes. Murph was passed out on the sofa, snoring slightly.

I met the usual lot at Laren's.
"You look awful" Clive said, rolling a cigarette. Mark tapped him on the arm.
"I feel like I've been hit by a bus" I rubbed my temples. Mark slid a coffee over to me.
"Get that into you" Tord came through the door and make his way over to us.
"You all look horrendous" He sat down.
"Don't" I told him sternly.
"Good luck dealing with Seb today"
"What?" I asked, confused. Tord gestured behind me and I saw him coming towards me.
"Hey Seb" He glared at me.
"So you can go out drinking but not stay and help us with our GROUP project"
"Oh fuck off, Seb. Did you know that nobody actually likes you? That's why we don't invite you to anything we fuckin' do" I told him. His face stayed straight. After a few painful seconds, he walked away, muttering "See you in the studio"

The flat was the same way I had left it, minus Murph.
"Murph?" I sighed. I was fairly sure that he was doing this on purpose now. I wandered into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. It was scrawled in Murph's scruffy handwriting.

I've gone out for a coffee with Rose

Rose was a girl that he had known since he was nine. She was his first crush and he spent years chasing her but eventually gave up. Now they were just close friends. She moved to Nottingham for university and must have been home for the weekend. We had fond memories from sixth form when Murph, I, Rose, Mark, his sister Annie, her friend Emily, Saga and a boy that lived on my road called Paul would get together and hot box Murph's garage. But youth doesn't last forever and people move away. Mark's sister Annie was the brightest of the lot of us and got into Oxford, Emily went to Lincoln to study law, Paul was still here, he worked at the local kebab place and Saga... I don't know what happened to her. She was my childhood sweetheart if you could call her sweet. On the last day of our A-level exams, she took her exam and disappeared. She cancelled her number, deactivate everything and disappeared. She would always travel in from the outside of Liverpool and refused to ever let me meet her parents so I had no way of finding her. Just as well I suppose.

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