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It was a long two months later before Murph got the all clear. It was a cloudy March morning that I got the call. I remember so clearly because I was just leaving a recording session with Tord, Mark and Clive. We had got the bare bones down for our song Little Miss Pipe-dream. My phone started to vibrate just as we came out of the building. It was the hospitals number.
"Dan, it's Murph" He said from the other end of the phone. He sounded excited.
"Murph!" I stopped walking and so did the other boys. They all turned around and looked at me.
"I'm coming home" He told me. My heart jumped.
"What's he said? Is he okay?" Tord asked me.
"What time?"
"As soon as you can get me basically" I heard him laugh slightly. This was the happiest I'd heard him be since before his attempt.
"Tord, get your car" I told him. 'We're going to get Murph"
"Alright, calm down. We've got lessons" Tord enforced. I rolled my eyes.
"Go to you lessons, Dan. I can wait"
"I miss you though" I pouted even though he couldn't see me.
"Grow up, you pussy" he laughed. I smiled.
"We'll see you at six"

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