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The next morning, I called Tord.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Murph relapsed" I told him bluntly. There was silence on the other end of the phone.
"We need to go to the hospital right away. I'll be there in ten" He hung up. I got off the sofa. I hadn't slept since I got the call so I made coffee. Tord knocked on the door ten minutes later. He was true to his word. I pulled on some jeans and a hoodie and we left.

Dr Moss was waiting for us in the reception. He smiled when he saw us.
"Come this way boys" he lead us down a corridor. Room 1996. The door opened and Murph was lying in is bed. He had a clunky looking device around his ankle and I could only assume it was a tracker. I smiled at him and the doctor left us to it.
"Why Murph?" I said without thinking.
"You wanna know why? I feel stupid. I feel weak. I thought maybe if I could just end it then I wouldn't have to put up with being a burden, a disappointment" He said, emotionless.
"I love you, we both do. Why would you do this?"
"Go on, call me selfish. I dare you" He looked at me and just stared. I was trying to fight back tears but it wasn't working.
"Go on Dan" I started to cry, biting my tongue.
"Murph stop" Tord told him. He looked away. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I left the room, unable to see him for a second longer.

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