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I was doing my studio session with Amy, Seb, Becki and Damien when my phone buzzed.
"Better get that, it's been the third time" Amy commented.
"Yeah thanks, I can count" I looked at my phone.
"You're so snotty at the moment" Amy said.
"I get why. Is Murph even coming back to uni this year?" Damien asked.
"No fucking clue" I was too riled up from the message that Murph had just sent me to care what he was talking about. Seb pressed the space bar on the computer and the synth track that we had been working on for the past three months blasted through the speakers. He had asked me to get another shop in.
"When are we wrapping this up?"
"Dan, we still have another two hours timetabled" Becki told me, playing around with the levels on the soundboard.
"Would it be okay if I went earlier?" Seb paused the track and looked at me.
"Not to be an arsehole but you've hardly helped us on this project. With Murph being in hospital, we were lenient but now he's out, you don't have an excuse to leave early" Seb said in his pretentious voice that grated on my ears every time he opened his mouth.
"If your best friend was determined on smoking his lungs black, getting high as a kite and eating like fuckin' Kirby then I think you'd want to check on his as much as you could" I shouted at him.
"He's gonna bring you down, Dan. I can't sugar-coat it but he's just gonna hold you back." Seb told me. I grabbed my backpack and left, his words echoing in my ears.

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