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Filler chapie sorry dudes :/

not edited


"What?" Allie's shoulders slumped in shock, "There's a body?" her voice came out hoarse.

Hopper stood from his seat and glanced at her with a stern expression, "It might not be Will."

"Can I come with-" Allie began, taking a step forward to join him.

"No," Hopper interrupted, "you can't come with us. This is police business and you're not his family either," he told her sternly.

Allie nodded, "I understand," she said and leaned back against the table, her eyes trained on her shoes.

Hopper was momentarily shocked at her response. He was expecting her to put up a fight since that's all she's done with him since the other night. He snapped out of his thoughts and gave her a short nod before rushing out of the library.

Allie followed them out of the library and got into her car feeling numb. She didn't know Will very well but he was her student, one of Mike's best friends, a son, and a brother. So many labels and so many people were connected to him. It broke her heart to think that he had such a traumatic death. She started the car and drove home thinking of ways to help Mike through his grief with the loss of his friend.

As she drove through Hawkins and back to her house it was hard to miss the sirens and flashing lights that raced in the other direction. Another wave of grief hit her and she wiped her eyes. Allie turned into her neighborhood and sped back to her house. Apparently, news travels fast and Karen was already waiting outside the house for her. Allie parked the car and got out, her face grim as she looked at Karen's tear streaked face.

"Oh Allie," Karen cried as she wrapped her arms around her little sister.

"I know, poor Will," Allie sniffled, holding back some tears.

Karen pulled back from Allie, horror etched on her face, "Oh my gosh, I was going to talk to you about Nancy."

Allie's eyes widened, "Is she okay?"

Karen nodded and wiped her eyes, "Yeah," she paused, "I don't know, she won't talk to me about anything anymore. All I know is that she is worried sick about her friend Barb and she," Karen gulped, "she slept with some guy called Steve."

Allie rubbed her sister in law's back as they walked into the house, "I can talk to her," she offered. Maybe it would help to take her mind off of Will and Hopper.

Karen sniffled, "I hope you can help her," she squeezed Allie's shoulder, "I'm so sorry to hear about Will too. I can't imagine what the Byers are going through right now. Oh, Mike will be crushed, do you know where he is?"

Allie stiffly nodded, "I know, to lose a child-- I can't imagine, and no I haven't seen Mike since this morning." she shuddered and wiped her eyes for the last time. "Okay, I'm going to talk to Nancy."

Karen smiled softly and returned to the den with Ted who was asleep on the lazy boy, nothing new there.

Allie walked up the stairs and knocked on Nancy's door, "Hey Nance? You want to talk?"

"Not really," Nancy mumbled from the other side of the door.

Allie bit her lip as she thought, "Um, okay just let me-"

Nancy opened the door, tears running down her face. She pulled Allie into her room and shut the door loudly behind her. "It's about Barbara, Barb, my best friend. Something's happened to her, and it's bad. I know it is," Nancy rushed out.

Mockingbird -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now