9. PIG

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There's some language in this! Also sorry it took me so long to update! I was studying abroad and I couldn't update at all :( But I did write like four chapters so that's a win!

not edited


Allie kept her arms folded tightly over her chest as they drove, her eyes nervously glancing down at her sweatshirt. It was thick enough, no one would notice. Surely she'd be fine. She snapped out of her thoughts when Hopper parked the car and got out, a cigarette already resting between his lips.

Allie got out of the car and followed Hopper in, avoiding curious looks from officers around the station. "Where are we going?"

"Interrogation room A," Hopper responded dryly, smoke curling from the cigarette.

"Great," she muttered and stared daggers at his wide shoulders. This guy was a complete wacko for still thinking she had something to do with Benny's murder. She scoffed to herself, men are pigs.

Hopper led them down a cold dark hallway and opened a metal door that revealed a small table with a lamp and two wooden chairs.

"Sit," he ordered and shut the door behind him with a bang.

Allie jumped at the noise and nervously sat down in one of the chairs, trying not to make eye contact with herself in the double-sided glass in front of her.

Hopper pulled out the chair and sat down with a grunt, his eyes narrowing as he took a puff on his cigarette. "So, tell me the story again, and then I want to hear your alibi."

"Fine," she sighed, "As I said last time, I was heading to the library to look up some stuff about why that thing was in my wall, on the way there I got hungry stopped at Benny's and then a girl hit me on the head. I woke up and Benny was dead."

"Wait, you said that she made you hit your head on the steering wheel," Hopper asked with a raised eyebrow, "In case you forgot, lying is illegal."

"Yeah, I know," she snapped, she was at her last straw with this guy. She had been corporative with him on everything and now she's had enough. "As far as my alibi goes, go ahead and ask around I don't give a shit, plus I was with when the wall thing happened."

"Hey!" he growled, smoke hazing the space between them, "Don't talk-"

"Like what?" she shot back, her eyebrows raised in anger, "Like this you complete ass hat?" her cheeks were flushed red with anger as she stood up, "I have a damn alibi and you can't do shit fucking pig." she seethed and then realized her mistake.

Hopper stood and kicked the chair behind him, causing her to get a flashback from just the night before. She looked up at him to see he was fuming, his hands twitching by his sides as he fumbled to grabbed his handcuffs.

"Oh shit," she muttered and probably did the most stupid thing anyone in her situation could do - run.

Well, she didn't get very far, not even to the door because Hopper grabbed the back of her hoodie and smashed her against the wall. His boots kicked her legs apart and he pulled her hands behind her back and cuffed them.

"I wasn't planning on arresting anyone today, yet here we are," he snapped, "Allie Wheeler, you're under arrest for Disorderly Conduct and attempting to evade the police."

Allie clenched her jaw, she wasn't going to cry. She already cried in front of him once and she can't look weak now. She bit the inside of her cheek angrily- gosh she really wanted to cry. Then, on the other hand, she wanted to knock her head back and bust his lip. Honestly, she had no idea where all these raging emotions were coming from.

Hopper pulled her back from the wall and pushed her roughly between the shoulder blades causing her to stumble in front of him. He then roughly grabbed her shoulder and steered her towards the holding cells. His keys clashed against each other as he opened her cell and pushed her in.

If looks could kill, Hopper would be dead. Allie had never disliked someone so much in her entire life. She wished she could wipe the fucking smirk off his face with her fist.

"Put your wrist in the box over there, I'll take off your cuffs," he ordered her.

Allie walked over to the box and put her cuffed hands through the hole and almost let out a sigh of relief when Hopper took off the cuff. Those things hurt. She stepped away from the box and rubbed her red stinging wrists.

"Anyone you'd like to call?" Hopper asked her, not trying to keep the growing smirk off his face.

"Call Karen," she said dully and sat down on the grimy cot in the cell.

"Sure, hopefully, she'll be willing to pay your bail. I know I wouldn't," he added, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

She snapped her teeth together, "You fu-"

"Ah ah," He chided, "wouldn't do that if I was you. Don't want to have to raise that bail any higher."

She narrowed her eyes and him and bit her lip angrily, what an asshole. Hopper gave her one last smug look before leaving her in the room.

"Wow, you can cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife," a pitchy voice spoke from the cell next to her.

Allie turned to face an adolescent boy with a mouthful of braces and mean eyes, "Oh shut up."


Allie had been in the cell for at least three hours before Karen came and bailed her out. Karen cried when she saw Allie being escorted out in cuffs. Currently, they were driving home and Allie had her whole body turned away from her sister in law.

"Allie, please tell me what happened. All I know is that you were arrested for Disorderly Conduct and Evading the Police. Please, I want to understand," Karen pleaded her voice still shaky from crying earlier.

Allie glanced at her sister out of the corner of her eyes before looking back out the window, "All you need to know is that Jim Hopper is a power hungry cop who gets off on putting innocent people in jail."

"Oh honey, but that never happens. He was just doing his job," Karen remarked.

"You're taking his side?" Allie almost shrieked, her eyes wide with shock as she turned to face her sister in law.

"No! Never! But he told me what you did and I understand. I just want to know why you did it?" Karen asked while parking the car in the driveway.

"Kar, I wasn't thinking," Allie admitted, she really wasn't. If she was going to get out of this mess, she had to be smarter than Hopper. Which she was sure she could be. She just had to do some more reading to make her case, "I just reacted, I didn't think."

Karen nodded and gently touched Allie's shoulder, "It's okay. I understand that.

Allie smiled briefly at her, "Thank you," she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "Do you mind if I take the car? Mine's still in the tow lot."

Karen hesitated briefly before nodded, "yeah, sure. Try and be home a decent hour tonight. I heard you come in last night really late."

Allie's cheeks flushed, "Of course, sorry about that," she was hoping that Karen didn't hear Hopper while he was there.

Karen patted Allie's hand and got out of the car and walked into the house. Once the front door was closed Allie maneuvered over to the driver's seat and raced out of the neighborhood. Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as she ground her teeth angrily. She was going to prove to Hopper that she had nothing to do with Benny's murder. Prove that the thing in her wall was, in fact, real, and find out what really happened to El and why she was running from bad men.


Hopefully, this makes sense lol. I just wirte and go lol so yeah. I hope the chapters flow nicely lol.

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