Another Tragedy

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I go downstairs after my headache goes away. Elena sits on the couch, her legs and arms crossed.

"Morning." She doesn't respond.

"I guess I deserved that."

"You know what else you deserve?" I close my eyes and wait for impact. Instead I find Elena's lips against mine.

"I didn't deserve that."

"I heard your conversation with Alaric last night. I wouldn't dream of leaving you. Sometimes you piss me off and I need time to cool down so I don't make it worse. But I love you so much Damon. I would never be able to fall for anyone else because I am madly in love with you." I kiss her, passion surging through my body. We fall back on the couch, Elena running her fingers through my hair.

"I love you so much." I smile down at her, when our 5 almost 6 year old daughter jumps down the stairs.

"Mama?" She wriggles out from under me then scoops Ember up.

"Hey honey. I have a surprise for you." We go into her room and she uncovers Ember's eyes.

"We're going to Disney World?!?"

"Yes." She squeals and jumps up and down. I read the big lettering and I kiss Elena.

"Daddy's gonna run you a bath, then we have a flight to catch." She runs off. I tug Elena closer to me making her smile.

"I love you Damon Salvatore."

"I love you Elena Salvatore."

"Daddy!" Elena and I run after Ember.

"There they are." We gasp and I pick Ember up.

"What do you want Klaus."

"To see if the rumors really were true. If Damon really is alive."

"Now you know. Just. Leave. My. Family. Alone."

"Oh come on love. You know I can't do that."

"Why not!?! Is there really no humanity in you to the point where you would kill a 5 year old girl!?! I think I know someone." I text Caroline and in a flash she's in the house.

"I know you're in love with her. That's you're humanity. What if I did this?" I break a leg off the chair.

"DAMON!" Elena yells.

"What about this?" I plunge it into her stomach.


"Why? He says he has no humanity. Why is he crying? That's your humanity Klaus." I pull the stake out of her stomach and move toward her heart.

"ENOUGH!" I almost put it in her heart when someone tackles me.

"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!!" The veins travel down her face. She gets off of me then goes over to Caroline.

"Care are you okay?" She nods. Elena stands up and moves toward me.

"This is it Damon. I can't do this anymore. I love you. But this was too far."

"I was protecting our family, Elena."

"CAROLINE IS FAMILY DAMON!!!! SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND!!! I can't do this anymore."

"No no no no no no. Please Elena. Don't leave me." Tears spill over her eyes.

"You just tortured my best friend in front of your daughter. What kind of message does that send her?" Suddenly Elena falls to the ground. Klaus stands behind her, her heart in his hand.

"NO!!!" I look for any signs of life. Elena's skin turns grey and I look over at Ember.

"How did he even get in."

"Your friend Ric hasn't been taking vervain. It was easy." He walks out. Caroline comes back to her senses.

"Damon?" She sees Elena's corpse, then runs over.

"ELENA! ELENA!" She shakes her again and again.

"For our daughter." I don't shut my humanity off. I grieve with her head in my lap. I just pretend she's in a deep sleep. I call Elijah.

I take Elena outside. I dig a hole between 2 willow trees, then I call everybody. Knowing it will be the hardest, I call Jeremy first.


"Damon? What's up?"

"I need you to get to the Salvatore house. Now." I put the piece of stone in it's place that marks where she is. I carve her name into the stone when I hear a car pull up.

"I'm over here Jeremy!" I yell weakly. He runs over.

"I need to tell you something." He tilts his head at me.

"It's Elena." Suddenly the color drains out of his face.

"She's gone."

That was probably the hardest chapter I've ever had to write. Comment if you want her back in the next book.

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