Chapter 13

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A soft nudging woke me up. I jolted awake and realized I had fallen asleep tilted onto the white hospital sheets from the beside chair.

For a moment I hoped it was Nico waking me up, but I stared up, not into the beautiful face of my boyfriend, but the harsh one of the nurse.

"Excuse me, I have to take vital signs," She said in a world weary voice.

"Will he be okay?" I asked hopefully.

"Honey, no one knows at this point. He was pretty beat up when he came in. Only time will tell."

I sat back and let her scribble on the clipboard as she checked Nico's pulse and whatnot.

I glared at the clock when she left and yanked off my shoe.

"What the fuck do you know?" I yelled at it as I chucked my shoe in its direction. The grey and turquoise sneaker bounced off the glass case and lay across the room under more chairs. I put my head in my hands and let the tears drip into my lap.

I thought about what Else had said, and how maybe Nico could hear me.

After about an hour of pacing and fighting an internal battle on what I might say to Nico while he lay there helplessly trapped inside the veils of darkness that seemingly held him fast.

"Nico," I started, thinking I sounded rather stupid. "If you can hear me, and if you're in there," I squeezed his hand, "please wake up. I miss you, and I know it sounds stupid, but I can't do this without you. I shouldn't have left." I stopped talking for a moment as the heart monitor started beating more rapidly.

"I should have been there with you. Nico, please open your eyes. You're safe now, it's just you and me, and I love you. There isn't any cars here, or anything that will hurt you. You mean the world to me, and without you it will all come crashing down. I want-I need you to wake up."

A silence filled the room after I finished talking and I pressed a kiss to his dark, messy hair.

I watched as the heart monitor went back to normal, no signs of Nico stirring or waking.

I sighed and slumped back into the chair, not once letting go of Nico's hand.

If he couldn't hear me then the least I could do was hope that he could feel my hand holding his and know he wasn't alone.

My hands were shaking and my head pounded. Everything screamed with rage and guilt that somehow this was all my fault and I was being punished for something I had done.

This wasn't how things were supposed to be. I faintly remembered someone, possibly Thalia, telling me that everything always worked out in the end, and if things weren't alright then it wasn't the end.

My thoughts were moving too quickly and I leaned over and pressed my lips to the cold ones of my boyfriend.

I pulled away and the monitor started beating erratically, Nico's heartbeats fast. Too fast.

Nurses and doctors rushed into the room, and everything was moving in slow motion.

Two people were trying to force me out of the room but I was trying to fight them off.

"Get him out!" Someone was yelling. Everyone froze for the slightest moment, and then it fell flat.

It was silent as the monitor made the sound of one single continuous beep. I yelled as they successfully shoved me out of the room. The door slammed in my face and I fell backwards against the opposite wall, breathing heavily. My hands curled into fists and I was ushered out into the waiting room once again.

I took a chair in the far corner and put my head in my hands for what felt like the millionth time. My eyes were red and puffy as I cried.

This was all my fault.

I looked up when a woman came running in, her light brown hair flying out behind her. She was sopping wet and frantically yelling at the nurse behind the desk.

"Nico di Angelo! Where the fuck is he?" She was saying. My head shot up and my arms pushed my body to my feet. I stumbled over to her before I knew what I was doing and could protest.

"Nico di Angelo?" I asked. She turned to me and nodded slowly.

"Why? Do you know him?"

"Yeah, he-he just flatlined. He's in surgery right now or something. They kicked me out of the room." Tears were falling before I could stop them.

Her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh my god. You must be Jason, yep. Blonde hair, blue eyes."

I nodded and she pulled me into a hug. "I'm Sylvia, Nico's friend. I would have been here sooner but they didn't call me until now." I wiped my tears with my thumb but they fell relentlessly and persistently down my cheeks.

"Oh, come on, he'll be alright, he always pulls through, right? I mean, I don't think even death would stop that fucker, which says a lot." I smiled at her words through the tears and sat back down in the chairs.

We waited in silence for the doctor to come out and deliver the either good or bad news. I prayed to all the gods internally -- both Roman and Greek, even though it took like an hour -- and felt my stomach fluttering at the thought of Nico's smile.

I looked up when I spotted a pair of shoes in front of me.

"Is Nico okay?" My tongue tumbled over my teeth as I spit out words at an exponential rate.

"Mr. Grace?"

"That's me."

"Nico is stable again. You can go see him if you like." I jumped to my feet and Sylvia stood up after me. We were led back to the same room where it had all gone wrong, and there was Nico laying on the bed looking more fragile than ever.

I retook his hand in mine and slowly, just as Leo often had on his knee, tapped out I love you in Morse Code.

I did this over and over again, nearly forgetting Sylvia was in the room.

"Jason," Sylvia whispered. I looked up at her and saw she was pointing to my hand.

No, not my hand...Nico's.

His hand moved and I looked up see a big smile on his face just as he tapped I love you back.

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