Chapter 6

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I woke up, dread for the goodbye Jason and I would share settling at the pit of my stomach.

I sat at the counter, realizing that I would probably miss our morning encounters when I was back at home with Gracie-Ann, but I couldn't leave the adorable black labrador alone. She would always be my baby puppy, and I loved her.

The only problem was, I loved Jason too. I don't know in what way I loved Jason, but I knew that I did. It wasn't like the kind of way I loved Hazel, or the kind of way I had loved Percy, but it was love nevertheless.

I ducked under the window and stepped out onto the metal balcony. I stuck a cigarette between my teeth and dug in my pocket for a lighter.

I took it out, but then remembered the disappointed look that had been reflected on Jason's face when he found out, and quickly shoved it away. I groaned in frustration: this man was getting to me!

I stepped back inside and started the coffee pot, hoping to make at least one more good memory before I left for god-only-knows how long.

The smell of the coffee and the wood of the table reminded me of the times Bianca and I had spent together, and my heart ached for my sister.

She had chosen rebirth after years of thinking. I no longer visited her and hung off of her every word, wishing desperately for physical contact with her. I wanted to hold her hand, and for her to tell me that everything was going to be okay.

I wondered how everyone back at camp was doing for a moment, but shook off the guilt.

I should pay Chiron a visit sometime. And Annabeth's brother Malcolm. And Clarisse.

All of these people I had left behind without thinking that that may have been the last time I saw them.

I poured coffee into two cups, just to be considerate. Jason walked out of his room in his boxers and a t-shirt, rubbing his eyes with the inside of his wrist.

"Hey," He said, his voice rough from sleep.

"Good morning," I said softly and offered him the cup of coffee.

"Good morning," He responded, and sat down in the chair at the end of the counter.

"So, you're leaving today..." He continued. I frowned.

"I don't want to go, but I have to," I said, pleading in my voice. I didn't want him to be mad at me.

"I get it. Someone you love is sick, it's only natural that you want to be there."

I smiled. "I'll miss you, you know."

He looked up at me in shock. "Really?" He asked, cocking his head to the side and wrinkling his nose.

"Really. I promise that I will think about you every morning when I make coffee." Jason grinned.

"Swear it."

"Swear it?"

"On the River Styx," He agreed, sliding out of his chair. I laughed and sipped my coffee again.

"I swear on the River Styx that I will-" Jason leaned forewards, and in one swift motion his lips were on mine. His fingers entwined with mine and he tasted like coffee and mint toothpaste.

My eyes fluttered shut and I kissed back, squeezing his hand in my own.

"Come with me to Seattle," I whispered against his lips.

"I don't have classes this week," He whispered back, and I smiled.


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