7.) Day Eight Continued

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Thursday, October 25

I gasped. "What?"

I looked back at the picture. "But the boy in this picture looks nothing like you!"

Brendon chuckled but it didn't sound like he found this humorous at all. "Do the boys look like Jayden, Adrian, or I?"

I looked back at the picture. I shook my head and Brendon closed his eyes.

Brendon took a deep breath and began to explain. "So, you know when I was a kid I stayed over at my grandparents' house every summer for a month right?"

I nodded.

"Well, Adrian and Jayden lived in the same neighborhood as my grandma and grandpa did when we were younger, so we frequently hung out with each other in the afternoons. Soon after we became kinda tight knit."

Brendon laughed humoressly. "My grandma called us the Golden Boys because at the time we all had blonde hair."

My eyes widened in realization. "That's why I didn't recognize you or Adrian in the picture! I can't believe I just realized that!!!"

"Realized what?" Brendon croaked.

"Your guys' hair! I knew about Jayden's hair being blonde when he was a kid, but I guess I'm so used to you having strawberry blonde hair and Adrian having hazel hair that I didn't even thought to think that it couldn't always have been that way."

Brendon shot up and looked at me incredulously. "Lyric, we've been friends since we were born. How could you possibly have forgotten that I used to have blonde hair?"

"I don't know!" I whined. "That's what makes it worse!"

Brendon laughed and I was glad that the underlying tension was gone. We managed to finish picking up the rest of the pictures and Brendon walked me to the door. He headed towards Bentley when I stopped him.

"I think I'll walk Brendon."

Brendon made a face. "You sure?"

I waved my hands up in the air. "Brendon! It's not even that cold out!"

He thought about it then he relented. "Fine. It is a nice day for October in Illinois. I'm telling you though I'm not letting you walk when December comes!"

I smiled. "Thanks Brendon."

He started to go back in the house when a question surfaced in my mind.

"Hey Brendon!" I called out.

He stopped and turned to me.

"One question!"

Brendon walked back to me and looked at my face. "Shoot it."

"Why aren't the Golden Boys friends anymore?"

Brendon stiffened and he looked away. "I've always been on good terms with Adrian. We don't hang out anymore but we still say hi to each other. As for Jayden? I don't want to answer that."

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