4.) Day Six of the Unorthodox Mystery

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Tuesday, October 23

I poked my head out of Vaia's car and looked around. Hmm. No suspicious looking police cars here.

I was about to sigh in relief when Vaia started closing the window so I had to pull my head back in. "Hey!" I said.

She took out her keys and turned to me, "What?"

"You could've beheaded me!"

Vaia laughed and opened her door. "Yeah right. A window from a car can totally disembody someone's head. Sure..."

"I'm not joking!" I exclaimed. It's true though, for all I know her windows could be sharp.

I opened the door and went to race after Vaia when I noticed four cop cars parked outside the school's main entrance. Shoot. Spoke too soon.

Why? Why is it always me?

Inside the usually crowded halls of Elmwood Central, were police and investigators. They blocked off certain rooms in the school today, such as the library and the hall with Adrian's locker. I cringed when I saw that the library was closed as well. The places where Adrian spent most of his time in, I guess.

It's not like I completely didn't see Adrian when he was at school here. It's just that I barely talked to him. The guy was unavoidable. He was mostly in the same classes with me since we both take honors, and he was in book club with me. Not to mention, he's the pitcher in our baseball team. His face is plastered on the walls along with his teammates. Also for most girls, Adrian is the apple of their eye. I guarantee that most of the freshmen and sophomore girls will die for him, which to me sounds slightly obsessive.

When I arrived at my locker, I was surprised to see that this hallway wasn't closed off for investigative purposes. Maybe Mrs. Peters put her foot down on this one. The message was even still on the wall, looking as ominous as ever.

I turned to try to find Vaia and Addison when I heard a tingling in my ear.


I whirled my head around. Did someone say my name?


I turned my head the other way. No one seems to be paying attention to me. I shook my head and started to head over to US history when I heard someone yell my name. Okay. I guarantee that wasn't in my head.

I turned around and there running like a madman was Jayden. "SHORTCAKE!"

I felt my face heat up. He just has to be making a fool of himself.

I started walking faster, but I eventually felt a hand on my shoulder. "What is it, Wells?"

Jayden was out of breath when he caught up with me but managed to sputter, "Well, someone's in a bad mood today. Who spoiled your milk?"

I huffed and eventually slowed down. "I didn't even have milk this morning." I turned my head and looked up to see Jayden towering over me. I rolled my eyes. He's not that tall, Lyric.

"What do you want?"

Jayden smirked and started to walk besides me. People were parting ways for us and I have no idea why. "I don't want anything, shortcake. I just wanted to embarrass you in front of the student body."

Of course. Arrogant jerk.


The majority of my morning passed by quickly. Ms. Heart loaded the class with homework and I swear that Mrs. May in physics wasn't speaking English at all.

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