The broken spell

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By the end of the entry I just turned away from everyone and left the room and hid in the bathroom in the tub. Tears fell from my eyes and silently cried wishing that I had never written that entry, that America didn't look so hurt. If I hadn't recorded anything from those years then maybe America and England wouldn't know... that anyone wouldn't know of my suffering.

Now that they know they are going to think of me as a burden, a weak nation. I curled up into a tight ball, hugging my knees as I prayed that I could be forgotten again. I listened to footsteps running up the stairs and voices calling my name.


The bathroom door was slammed open, I looked up at everyone before placing my head on my knees and silently cried. I felt a hand on my back and I flinched, the hand disappeared before coming back and rubbed my back in a soothing way. My cries turned into hiccups. I was eventually pulled into a warm hug, I weakly wrapped my arms around who ever was hugging me.

The scent of roses and pastry filled my senses, France, I hugged France tighter with him returning the gesture. I opened my eyes to see America, England ushering everyone out of the bathroom. I sighed softly and closed my sore eyes and listened to the sounds of France's breaths.

I felt an arm slide under my legs, France picked me up out of the tub and walked with me out of the bathroom and to where the others were. I just hid my face in his neck. I was happy that I didn't get yelled at.... yet.

For right now I was enjoying the lost feeling of warmth and love. I felt France sit down with me still in his arms, I curled up closer to him like I did as a child back in France when I was sick or tired. A soft smile made its way to my lips at the sweet memory from my childhood that I had before the wars and going back to my lands to fight the Wendigo's.

"Lad, I think that it's time for that spell of yours to be broken and modified to just Wendigo's cause from now on we'll be here for you." England said.

My head shot up as I looked at England with a shocked look. Was England being serious about everyone being here for me? That I'll only be invisible to the Wendigo's but noticed by others? A warm feeling bloomed in my chest as England muttered a spell under his breath, I smiled softly along with everyone else.

When the spell was done, I was tackled by America, who was crushing me and France both. America chuckled at France, who was cursing in french, as he tried and failed to get out from underneath us. Italy walked over to us and looked at me with a smile.

"Ve~ I'm happy that I can remember you know Canada!" Italy said, I smiled at Italy before wincing in pain.

"Al, your hurting me! I have stitches from the Wendigo's!" I rasped.

America jumped off allowing me to stand. I chuckled at my brother. I heard someone clear their throat and I looked at Québec, a sly grin on her face, I paled slightly.

"So... You did use that spell... right??" I nervously chuckled.

"Yeah... but it was only for two though! The rest fell through the earth, and in my defence..." I said before trailing off, Québec nodded.

"I hated that hotel when it was first built! To much money for that place!" I said,Québec sighed before walking over and hugged me.

I am thankful thatQuébec loves me enough to care about me. I hugged her tighter then she was hugging me, then an idea popped into my head and I sly grin fell upon my ever so innocent lips. I carefully placed my hands onQuébec's sides before tickling my provence.

"AH! HAHAHAHA!! MATT! HAHAHAHA!! S-ST-ST- HAHAHAHA! I'M SORRY!!!! HAHAHAHA!! CA-CANA- HAHAHA DA!!"Québec said, between her laughs.

Everyone chuckled asQuébec and I fell to the floor. I still managed to keep ticklingQuébec, who was starting to go red in the face. I smiled as I stopped the attack,Québec slowly sat up and I looked completely innocent, like I just didn't just tickled her or anything.

"I'll get you for that, Matt!"

"Well I think we are even sunshine," I said.

"After all you did put purple hair dye in my shampoo and conditioner. Along with messing with my maple syrup, you and everyone knows that I don't like the fake stuff. Plus MY music room is still under construction, I still can't find my Violin, flute, guitar or my electric guitar either! Also you need to pay for the damage on my grand piano as well."

Québec looked at me and smile slightly before sighing.

"Okay, sorry... I'll make sure that everything is returned and that the piano is fixe." She said and I smiled at her.

"Thank you amoureux(Sweetheart)" I said before kissing her forehead. We all laughed whenQuébec blushed, I just love embarrassing my Provinces and territories, it makes me feel happy.

-The past is in the past, the present is where we are, and the future is what we're trying to reach-

Months passed and I was no longer ignored or forgotten by anyone. America comes over every fall and winter to keep me safe along with Russia and the others. I still have to fight the Wendigo's but recently Switzerland, Finland, Romano, Italy, Germany, and America all come with me and we just turned it into a game of 'How many Wendigo's can you kill?'.

Norway, Romania, England and I made charms for everyone so when we go to America's or my land, the Wendigo's can't find us... which makes killing them more fun. But there are days when I feel alone or that I forget that the other nations now notice me.

So going for going timmies is never lonely since they are always there... and America is making it a goal to give me a scare in the mornings as well. Right now the Magic trio and I, along with some other nations, were outside America's house with some silly string and water guns to use on America.

Romania was the one to come up with the idea to prank my twin, plus I think that they just want to see me use my magic. We crept around the large house, bribing Tony with promised video recordings of our prank and games, we finally made it to America's room where we set up our prank.

We all then hid in the living room and Romania nodded to me, I grinned.

"AAAAHHH! AMERICA HELP ME!!! THE WENDIGO'S ARE AFTER ME!!!! THEY KILLED KUMAJOUR!!! AMERICA!!!!!~" I shouted and we grabbed our water guns and aimed at the stairs.

"MATTIE I'M COMING!!!" America shouted and ran into our line of fire.

I cast an Ice spell to freeze the floor and making it like a ice rink, and Romano and Italy hit America with water causing him to fall on his butt. While the rest covered him with silly string, at the end America stood up and looked at us, before laughing.

I smiled and walked up to my brother and gave him a water gun and a can of silly string.

"Want to get Francis??" I asked, America grinned.

"Heck Yeah!"

The rest of the day went by with us pranking other nations, well because it was April 1st so nobody can blame us for that. Also I got revenge on Russia for sitting on me... and that was last week, he said that I was more comfortable then the chairs! All I know is Russia won't be sitting on me again.... or look at me the same way again, I made America proud.

The End, Eh!

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