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(Picture not mine)

"Kanata, Kanata!" A warrior called out to me.

I looked up from my arrows that I was working on to see one of my warriors come running up to me. Worry and panic were in the young warriors eyes, I could sense the change in the wind and the cold. It wasn't the cold that we all know and love. No, this was much colder filled with death and fear.

"Yes was is the matter...?" I asked softly but with authority.'

"There is a beast by the Great lake Kanata! I lost three of our warriors to it." the warrior said, I gathered my arrows, spear, and whale bone knife before walking up to the warrior.

"Take me to this beast and I will fight it, I and stronger then any creature in my land." I stated and the warrior looked a little more at peace then he did a few minutes ago.

With a nod he and I went to the lakes and begun tracking the beast. I saw strange footsteps in the snow with bits of blood, we followed that until we came upon a gruesome sight that will haunt me for years to come.

There were bodys of my people ripped apart, their guts and organs laid in the bloody snow. Smashed heads with their brains turned to mush, I felt bale begin to rise but I forced it down. There in the middle of the bloody snow was a creature with grey tight skin that should have gone blue from the cold. It was deathly skinny to the point I could count the things ribs, on top of its head was horns that spread out like trees.

The beast hadn't notice us yet do to us being down wind, but I could smell the rot, decay, and blood as well. The warrior inches forward ...


The beast turned to face us and it let out a roar that echoed throughout the forest. I swiftly ready my bow and launched the arrow at the monster. It hit the monster in the arm causing it to roar with and ran towards us. I let arrows fly the same with my warrior but the monster isn't slowing down.

I grit my teeth and grabbed my spear and rushed towards the monster. It went to swipe at me but I dived forward, rolling on to my feet before turning around. Before I could attack it, the warrior ended up getting ripped in two. Tears filled my eyes, rage rushed through my veins and I screamed in rage before charging at it.

The beast rushed towards me as well, I threw my spear at it's head. The spear went through it's dead eye causing it to fall on its back. The monster struggled while I pulled out my knife and went to for the kill.

I dodged it's boney arms and stabbed the chest and it's heart....


"ARGH!!!!" I grunted as I hit the cold ground, blood dripped from my head as I slowly stood up shaking a bit.

I turned to see it still alive, I froze, feeling fear creep up my spine before growling an rushed towards it. I went for it's heart, plunging my small hand into its chest feeling nothing but cold and frozen organs. When I found the beast's heart I clutched it into my hand and ripped it out. The demon still was thrashing, I was confused as to why the thing still lived.

"Kom ut lyset av den brennende flammen!(Come forth light of the burning flame!)" I spoke out and a ball of flame lit the frozen heart that was in my hand to dust.

I looked at the demon and saw that it had died with its heart. I stood up and looked at all of my dead men and cried out to the skies above, weeping over the people that I had cared for. I walked to the bodies and gathered them up and brought them back on one of the sleds that they had used for bringing home fish.

When I reached the village we all had cried and mourn for their deaths. The older men comforted the now widow wives, I stayed in my hut and started to sketched out the beast and what I had learned so far.

I showed the elders and we all agreed that we bring some more weapons to fight of these beasts, and that we made sure to have something for fire from what I have learned. I walked slowly to my hut, thoughts of what happened and that inhuman creature of winter.

I walked into the small hut when a name for the creature and I written it in my diary.


~A ship shipping ship shipping, shipping ships. XD~

Years has passed and my people had told my Brothers people, but upon my request that they never tell my brother of the Wendigo's. For I never want him to learn of these wicked creatures of the cold.

Over the years I learned that Wendigo's were created by the cold and hunger. Many of my people fell to the hands of cold and hunger. Many of my friends have died when they had become these creatures, I sometimes find myself waking up in the night and sitting at the entrance of the village looking into the forest. Flashes of white dead eyes of my people who are lost in their never ending hunger.

Every day my people travel to the shores to try to keep the demons away. Stories were told to the children of the village of the great and terrible beast to keep them from running into the forest and trees in the winter. Since the Wendigo's only come out in the winter time and not in the warmer months.

~Kumajiour snuggling up to a sleepy Canadian~

I was by the shore fishing when I saw a boat, a large ship different from the one that settled here years ago. When the ship lowered it's anchor a smaller boat was lowered into the water with a few men in it. I stood there as the village chief walked up next to me and looked at the men who are now on our shores.

"Kanata," the Chief spoke.

"I feel like he'll bring goods for you." he said, I nodded and we walked up to the strange new men.

One man caught my violet eyes. He had long blonde hair tied back with a silk ribbon, his blue eyes shone with kindness and love. He wore a blue coat with white frills, polished leather boots that went up to his knees. One thought went through Chiefs and I's mind.

'Poor fool. He'll  surely die when winter comes...'

The man walked over to us with a bright smile on his ivory skin.

'If the first few months doesn't claim him first that is.'

"Bonjour, I am France." France greeted.

"Hello France," the Chief greeted. "I am the village Chief."

France smiled brightened even more, the Frenchman looked at me and smiled even brighter.

"Who is this little one here?" France said, I studied him for a few seconds.

"Hello France, I am Kanata." I greeted with a small smile of pride when I spoke my name of my land.

France smiled nodding. We showed France and his men to our village where France took me as his colonie. Years passed and I still fought the Wendigo's keeping them away from my home and away from Big brother France.


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