A hero of long ago will stand again!

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I saw them charging and a grin fell upon my pale lips. I summoned a axe that I had made the second winter fighting off the Wendigo's and spoke out a spell with great power and strength.

"Himmelen over og dalene nedenfor, svelg mine fiender i de steinete burene dine!(The heavens above and the valleys below, swallow my enemies in your rocky cages!)"

The earth around the Wendigo's shook and most of them fell and burned in the pits of fire that would be their cages for all of eternity. The ones that didn't fall were a couple. Two Wendigo's rushed at me. I swung my axe and chopped of one of their arms and sliced the other's leg off.

I jumped out of the ones way when it tried to grab me but I was faster than them. I continued using spells and dodging their attacks leading them close to the building, where I'll finish them off.

" Vind i nord gir meg din styrke!(Winds of the north give me your strength!)" I cried out, using the wind as a boost. I jumped into the air and with the strength of the wind, I pushed the two Wendigo's into the hotel and used on last final spell that will seal them forever.

"Jordens ild, de fallendes ånder kommer sammen og forsegler vinterens demoner og forsegler dem til jorden under!(Fire of the earth, spirits of the fallen come together and seal the fate of the demons of winter and seal them to the earth below!)"

The earth shook, I ran to my truck and got in. I started it up and drove away, watching through my rearview mirror as the Hotel fell apart. I could hear the screams of the two Wendigo's, as they burned alive. But I didn't care, I was more then willing to get rid of the hotel and the Wendigo's all together.

I'll have to talk to my boss about the whole thing but for right now I need to find the nations.

-The past is past, the future is still unknown, but the present is where I want to be-

I saw the others at Québec's house, just like she said. I am very grateful that she texted me when she did. Or I would have been driving for hours. When I pulled up to Québec's home I saw that her living room lights were on, with a sigh I turned my truck off and got out, slowly making, my way to the door before knocking.

Faint footsteps could be heard before the door was swung opened and I was pulled into a hug. I weakly hugged Québec, tears fell from my eyes.

"They aren't hurt.. are they?" I asked, pulling away slightly.

"Non, they are fine... but you look like you been through a flipping war!!" She said, pulling away from me before dragging me into her home and closed the door behind her.

I let her pull me around, I was tired and didn't really care right now. All I want is tea, a good calming movie and a bed or a couch so I can sleep. Québec placed me on the couch and I saw that everyone was asleep in groups, it was really cute... I just hope that Québec got some pictures cause I am definitely using them for blackmail.

"Lift up your shirt Mattie, I'll dress your wounds for you." she said softly.

I nodded and took of my shirts and allowed my Provence fix up my wounds. We sat in comfortable silence listening to the others soft or loud snores. I didn't flinch at the needle poking my flesh, or when rubbing alcohol was put on.

After a good twenty minutes of staying still and silently looking out the windows, someone stirred awake.

"Matthew?" I looked over to see Arthur looking at me before jumping up of of France's sleepy cuddle and rushed at me and pulled me into a hug. I winced a bit but hugged back, smiling in the Brits chest as I felt his breath as he muttered things under his breath.

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