In times of trouble...

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England was passing the room. France was sitting in a corner next to Spain and Prussia quietly talking. Germany, Russia, and China were trying to plan our escape. Denmark and America were looking at the door waiting for anything to come and attack. The Italians were staying close to Japan for safety, though Romano will deny that ever happening.

I sat next to the barricaded door holding one of my daggers in my hand, I stared at the ceiling thinking about my first time meeting a Wendigo and all of my friends that I have lost. A stray tear fell from my eyes. I remembered the name of the warrior 'Ogichidaa' it is really funny how his name means 'Warrior' in English.

"Comrade Canada?" Russia's voice broke through my thoughts.

I looked over to the Russian to see him looking at me with worry.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Are you alright? You're crying, Da." Russia said, I wiped the tears away.

"I'm fine," I said, looking at my hands. "Just thinking about the first time I fought a Wendigo..."

America looked at me and then at the door then at me again. After a moment of looking between me and the door before speaking.

"How did you meet a Wendigo?" I let the question hung in the air before sighing.

"It was on a cold day.. I was making more arrows when Ogichidaa came running to me in a panic." I started, a tear fell.

"Mattie, What happened?" America asked, I looked up with a look of fear, sadness, pain.... and complete terror.

"Ogichidaa, took me to were the others were but when we got there.... it... it was to late." I looked down before looking up with a lost look in my eyes.

"The snow was reddened by their blood. Their Organs were scattered in the snow while their bodys were ripped apart... I could see their brains mashed...," Everyone pale, I felt like I was going to be sick.

"In the center of it all was the demon who killed my friends. Ogichidaa stepped on a twig and the demon came at us... sadly I was the only one who walked out of that fight alive." I said pulling my knees to my chest.

"Wait, What happened to... the warrior?" Romano asked, I felt my lips tremble as I tried to bring myself to speak of the horrible fate that fell upon him.

"He was... he was ... Killed... I.. I couldn't... I-," I broke down into silent cries.

I wouldn't deny the fact that I looked weak and pathetic but who could blame me since I had to fight these things since I was young. Stories the mothers told of a Warrior defeating the demons, or many warriors tried and failed only to have one brave enough to get close to kill the demons. When really I wasn't brave, I was scared to fight it. It was my anger and magic that saved me, even to this day I used my anger for the people who I cared about but lost to the hands of fate.



Whatever America was going to say died in his throat.

I got up and dried my tears and schooling my emotions, I grabbed my bags and pulled out some weapons and handing them to the other nations.

"Okay, this is how we are going to get out of here." I said, looking at everyone with a confident look in my violet eyes. Which was shocking to everyone.

"We are going to fight out way out of here and get to some of our cars." I said, some of the nations paled at this.

"But I am hoping that as long as the building has power than we can leave without a hitch." I said, everyone nodded.

We carefully took the barricade down and we all got ready to face the Wendigo's. I stepped out into the hallway, my body instantly was on guard for any signs of danger. We all stayed close together, I held my dagger to my chest as I slowly guided everyone to the doors. When the doors were in sight the power went out.

"Tirer!" I whispered, I felt Prussia walk closer to me.

Italy started to whimper, I turned around and raised a finger to my lips, signaling to stay quiet. This was the same thing that happened the last time I was with my Territories and Provinces, Newfoundland still has nightmares from that night, along with the others.

Romano put a arm around his twin, with that we made out way to the doors. Russia and America worked on getting the doors open while Germany and Prussia pointed their guns at the door. Japan and I, along with Arthur, pointed our guns around the lobby. Faint sounds of screams could be heard.

"Their on the top two floors," I whispered. "Hurry cause soon they'll soon pick our scent and then will come after us."

With a nodded from America and Russia, the two proceed to pry open the doors. When the doors are opened we all ran to our cars. Five of them ran to Germany's truck and the rest of us ran to America's car.

"AAAHHH!!!!" A scream ripped through my lips as claw hand cut across my back.

"MATTIE!" America shouted, about to run back but Russia grabbed my brother and pushed him into the car.

I felt a shift in the air and rolled out of the way of the beast mouth. I kicked it in the face before getting up. All six of them were standing behind the one that attacked me. I growled and turned and ran into the trees with them behind me. Leaving my friends at the hotel, there were scratches on the trees that I passed showing that they had been here since the beginning.

I turned around and shouted on the top off my lungs a spell that I haven't used in years.

"Kom ut lyset av den brennende flammen!(Come forth the light of the burning flame!)"

A ball of raging fire appeared in my hand, they ran towards me and I shot the ball of fire at them before dodging them. I fought them with rage and determination on protecting my friends, but with every battle that I had with the Wendigo's I always miss a step.

Claws dug into my side causing me to scream that could be heard from across the world. I was thrown all the way back to the entrance of the forest. I coughed up blood and saw that the cars were gone.

'Good their safe...' I thought as I listened for the Wendigo's to come and try to finish me off.

"Don't give up, Makwa!" a familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw Ogichidaa and rest of the warriors. They all had their war paint on and they all looked at me with grins.

"Fight for us Makwa, fight for your friends!" the eldest, Myeengun, spoke.

I took a breath and stood, I looked upon my friends and nodded my thanks before turning to the demons of winter.

It's time to show those Wendigo's who's boss.

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