Kitty Rose Saves the Day

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Dear Diary,

...All I can say is thank God for cats.


I sigh. It's dark, probably early morning by now, and I've been wandering around for about an hour. I vaguely recognise some places but it might just be my imagination. I sigh again, louder this time. I hear the crinkling of leaves and turn to see a tabby cat jumping up onto a fence. I look back round and realise that I must have gone down a passage as now I'm walking behind houses. I smile at the cat, it's keeping pace with me.

"Hey kitty. I bet you're wondering what I'm doing here? Yeah? The rundown is, this girl, 'the demon Queen of highschool' has decided to ruin my social standing because of something that happened at a party. And- hey, aren't you a cute little kitty?" I let my hand hover just above the cat's head and it stretches up to press into my palm. I smile, so cute! "I've got a little over a day before I get hunted down in study hall. I mean, I could just, like, change my name and go somewhere else. Seattle maybe? The only problem with that plan is that I don't own a motorbike. I mean I coul-" As I'm mulling over my options the cat suddenly starts meowing, loudly. I glance up to where it's looking and see a boy changing in the window. I shake my head. Wait. I turn back and look. Isn't that... "Lotor?" The cat mews and looks at me smugly. I grin and pet it a bit more. "Now there's an idea! Thanks buddy!" I pet the cat one more time before climbing up the fence. The light's off and I can't see any movement so he's probably gone to bed. I take a breath and start walking across the top of the fence. I almost trip a few times but I get to where his window is eventually. I look up, the gap between where I'm standing and his windowsill is about my height. How should I... Ah. There's a gap in the wall. If I do it right I should be able to... Shit. I'm stuck, dangling from a wall. I close my eyes, take a deep breath then open them again. Okay, I can do this. I let go with one of my hands and slam it onto the windowsill. I grab onto it and pull myself up. Oh, thank god, the window's open slightly. I push it open fully, thanking the Lord that it opens inwards, and step inside. It's... pretty bare. I shake my head and look over at the bed. I smirk and walk over. He looks at me as if he's not seeing me properly before jumping and focusing his eyes on me properly. His cheeks go red as he sits up.

"K-Katie! What are you doing in my room?" I put one finger to his lips as I shush him. I smirk.

"Sorry, but, well, I really had to wake you up. Because, you see, I decided that I must ride you 'til I break you." His face is bright red now. I take a step back suddenly. He looks up at me, a silent question in his eyes. "Y'see, Shiro says I gots to go, so, you're my last meal on death row." He narrows his eyes and opens his mouth to say something. I shake my head and lean forwards, capturing his mouth with mine. He makes a muffled noise of shock before kissing me back. I break away, catching my breath. He flops back down and I smirk, unbuttoning my shirt. My blazer's already on the floor, he must have taken it off just then. "C'mon you know the drill." I look down at him with a grin. I begin to check the points off with my fingers. "I'm hot, pissed and I'm on the pill." I wink and he flushes again, wriggling a bit underneath me. He pushes me so I'm on my back and he starts to trail kisses across my jaw and down my neck. He nibbles at my collar for a little bit before continuing his way down. He pauses at my breasts, nibbling and sucking the skin not covered by my bra (which is quite a lot, it's fairly provocative). As he continues to work his way down my body I hazily notice that some of them will leave marks on my skin. Lotor lifts his face from my stomach and grins wickedly at me. He shimmies down on the bed and pushed my legs up so that my knees are pointed upwards. I raise an eyebrow and open my mouth to question his actions when he pulls down my underwear, cool air hitting me and making me gasp. He smirks at me again before bringing his head down again. I feel myself flush even more. I moan and can feel him grin against me. I look at his hair, long, silky and silvery. I wonder how it would feel to- my musings get cut off as he does something else, something new. Whatever else I was going to say or think is replaced with an endless chant of more. I can feel it in my gut and maybe he can too as he pulls back. Lifting his head up to look at my, grinning. His mouth is shiny and I groan. He grins. I suddenly pause, and he tilts his head at me, confused.

"Look, please know that this is because you're beautiful. I know that you say you're numb inside," at this he looks away. I smile softly and lean forwards, tucking a stand of his hair behind his ear. "But I really can't agree. So, okay, the world's unfair be we can keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful. So, come on, let's make this beautiful!" He smiles at me, his golden eyes gazing into mine. He shrugs.

"That works for me-" Whatever else he's going to say gets cut off as I fall on top of him and kiss him. It's slightly tangy and I realise that I'm tasting myself. He twines his hands into my hair and pulls me closer. I break away, gasping. He's a mess, hair rumpled, chest heaving, lips swollen and I know I probably look the same. I sit on top of him and slowly pull down his boxers. He gasps. I lift up my hips then put them back down when I've moved his boxers out of the way. His eyes flutter closed and I smile again.

"Full steam ahead - take this dead girl walking!" He suddenly looks up at me.

"Hey - how did you find my address?" I wink at him.

"C'mon, let's break the bed. You can rock this dead girl walking!" His eyes widen slightly as I rock.

"I think you just tore my mattress!" I stop my motions and he groans. I tap him on the nose.

"No sleep tonight for you so you'd better chug that Mountain Dew." He swallows and his voice, when it comes out, is slightly higher-pitched than normal.

"Okay, okay!" He clears his throat.

"Get your ass in gear and make this whole town disappear!" I fling my arms out, desperate. He nods, looking more confident.

"Okay!" Somewhere in that I started moving again. He shuffles so he's sitting up, me still in his lap, and starts thrusting. I moan. He grins, face red and tangles his hands in my hair again. Pulling at some points but being quite gentle overall. I dig my nails into his back as I get closer, he doesn't seem to notice. He comes and that sets me off. As I climax I drag my nails down his back. I feel him wince. I lean back slightly and press my lips against his. I feel him smile softly against my mouth.

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