Big Fun

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Dear Diary,

What the fuck have I done?


The first thing we see walking in is Rax standing on a breakfast bar. He starts to yell.

''Dad always says "act your age." Well, you heard it man, it's time to rage!" There's a collective cheer at that.

"Let's blast the bass, turn out the light because there ain't nobody home tonight!" He's walking out to the balcony, the doors are wide open and Rolo's sitting out there.
"Drink, smoke, it's all cool. Let's get naked in my pool!" Rax suddenly breaks into a run and jumps the fence, dive bombing into the pool, dragging Rolo with him. Everyone whoops and I roll my eyes as half the group jumps down to join them and the others already down there.

"Punch the wall and start a fight! Ain't nobody home tonight!" Rolo grins at everyone.
"His folks have a waterbed so come upstairs and rest your head." Rax grins at Rolo then looks up at us and winks. I pull a face. Gross.


Everyone's cheering about... something. The music is on full, filling the entire house and almost shaking the walls. I lean on the bar, tipsy.

"Alright... so it's salt, then lime and then shot!" Lance shakes his head.

"No, no no! It's salt then-" Shiro suddenly butts in.

"No Katie, you're doing it wrong." I grin lazily at him.

"Really? Because I feel great!" A guy walking past stops and turns.

"Katie? You are looking good tonight!" He grins at me. As soon as he's gone I turn, my eyes sparkling.

"Did you see that? A hot guy just smiled at me without a single trace of mockery anywhere!" Shiro and Lance smile indulgently while Keith rolls his eyes.


Everything's pretty hazy. I'm pretty stoned so I should probably stop smoking. I walk past a couple of girls.

"Hey! Is that weed? I want a hit!" The girl closest to me smiles and shrugs before passing it to me. I grin at her. "Thanks!"


I'm talking to Lance when I see a flash of yellow out if the corner of my eye. I turn. It's Hunk. I jog over to him.

"...Hey Hunk." He turns and smiles.

"Hey Pidge!"

"I... can't believe you actually came..."

"I know! It's exciting, right? I bought sparkling cider! Hang on, I want to go say hello to Rax. Shay too, if she's here." I pause, a sick feeling in my stomach. I see Voltron glaring so I swallow thickly. I need to ask him something that's been on my mind too.

"Yeah. Um... have you seen Allura recently?" He pauses.

"No, I haven't. She's probably just sick." I nod. He grins once more and disappears into the crowd. I turn and Lance is in front of me.

"Just remember, you're with us now." I nod slightly. They start to whisper with each other. Keith smirks and picks up the pig pinata from earlier. The other two grin and they all leave. In the distance I can see Hunk. I feel sick again. He's my friend, I shouldn't have done that.


I approach Rax slowly. That note apologised for his actions but I'm still wary. I adjust my shirt slightly and clear my throat. He turns and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Hey Rax... I wasn't going to come but after you and your sister took the time to write those letters..." Rax pulls a face. I hand him the cider, hands shaking slightly.

"What note? Why d'you gotta be so weird all the time? If you acted normal, people wouldn't hate you so much." I flush slightly but, because of the lighting and my dark skin, it's probably not even visible. Rax chugs the cider before spitting it out almost instantaneously. I step forward.

"Hey, are you-" He glares at me.

"There's no alcohol in here! Are you trying to poison me?!" I step back, stuttering an apology.


Shiro's standing on a table. He claps twice and everyone looks at him.

"Alright people! Time to celebrate our upcoming victory over the Razorbacks by wacking apart their mascot!" Everyone cheers and whoops! I frown, they're up to something. Shiro jumps off the table and Lance takes his place, holding a bat and a blindfold.

"We need a volunteer!" Shiro, standing to the side, speaks up.

"Hunk Garrett!" The boy in question looks up from the back of the room. "I think you should do the honours!"

"I- I don't really know..." Lance grins.

"Come on people! Let's show him some Garrison spirit!" Everyone cheers again. Then there's a chant.

"Hunk! Hunk! Hunk!" The crowd pushes him forwards until he's at the front. He climbs up and Lance blindfolds him. Lance smirks and gestures off to the side.

"Let's bring out the pinata!" Keith comes out holding the pinata. It now has a yellow shirt, an orange headband and a sign that says 'Hunk Garrett' on the side. Everyone laughs. I feel ill.

"What are you doing? Keith, give that to me!" I go over to Keith and grab it.

"Shiro, help!" Lance jumps down and him and Shiro join Keith and try to pull it back. I yank it back hard enough and they let go.

"What is your damage?" I walk out onto the balcony.

"You want this? You can swim for it!" I drop it down into the pool. I go back over and see that Hunk has just taken off the blindfold.

"What's going on?" I sigh.

"Look, go home. I'll explain everything later."

"No, I was just going to-"

"Hunk, go home." He looks round to see all the students glaring at him. He looks at me one more time before running out the room. I turn, suddenly feeling dizzy. It's too hot. I run into the hallway, my head spinning. Shiro storms up behind me.

"What the hell was that?"

"Look, we gave it a shot. I'm resigning from this. I'm going back to civilian life."

He grabs my shoulders and spins me round.

"Please don't spin me, I'm not feeling well." He ignores me.

"You don't get to be a nobody. Come Monday, you're an ex-somebody. Not even the losers will touch you now. Transfer to Washington, transfer to Jeffreyston, no one at the Garrison is going to let you play your reindeer games!" He let's go and I stagger. I take a few deep breaths before throwing up on the floor. I turn and find a closed water bottle. I swish the water around in my mouth and spit it out. Shiro is yelling still.

"I raised you up from nothing. And what do I get? I get payed in puke." I glare.

"Oh, just lick it up baby, lick it up!" He looks murderous. I turn and run.


Outside, I lean against an alley wall.

"Shit, shit, shit!" What the fuck have I done?

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