Mr No-Name Kid

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Dear diary,

I hurt one of my best friends and met the new kid.


Dear diary,

I've been with Voltron for about three weeks now. It's nice, being untouchable. I no longer have to worry about getting knocked around or anything. I get protection and all I have to do in return is forge notes and signatures and stuff. Shiro's okay, kinda standoff-ish, Keith is kinda stroppy and bitchy, he's always trying to copy what Shiro does. Lance seems nice, still mean, he is part of Voltron, but still sort of nice.

"Hey, Katie!" I look up as Shiro, Keith and Lance sit down with me. I close my notebook and sit up a little more. "Okay, so, Katie. You can forge the Balmera twins' handwritings right? Rax's and Shay's?" I'm a little confused as to why Shiro's asking this but I nod.

"...yeah. Why?"

"I need you to write a letter. In his handwriting. Just copy exactly what I say." I pause, then shrug and rip out the back page of my notebook.


"Okay, so..."

After I'm done I put both notes in the middle. Lance picks them up and disappears.

"Why did you have me put that note from Shay?"

"Because then he'll definitely go."

"To Rax's homecoming party?" I raise an eyebrow. Who's this for?

"Exactly." Lance is back, standing next to the table. We all stand and start to walk.

"It's for Garrett. He's got a huge crush on Shay Balmera so, if he thinks she's going to be there, he'll go."

"...Hunk Garret?"


"No! You can't give this to him. He's liked her since kindergarten, back when we were all friends. If he found out..." I trail off. It would destroy him.

"We're being nice. He'll be happy, thinking that she actually likes him. That little note from 'her' will give him wanking material for weeks."

"He's my friend."

"Not anymore. We're your friends now. And, just admit it, you know that if Hunk had your shot he'd have left you to rot already. So come on, you don't need him anymore. You don't need Altea either. You're part of our team now, you're flying with eagles. Unless, of course, you'd like to end up like him." They shove me backwards and I knock into someone. Hunk.

"Pidge, look! Rax invited me to his homecoming party. There's even a note from his sister, Shay! This proves that she likes me." I swallow nervously.

"...colour me stoked."

"I'm so happy! I can't wait to tell Allura!" I watch as he turns and walks out. I want to reach out and tell him the truth but it would break him. He'd hate me. Shiro, Keith and Lance smirk at me and go out into the courtyard. I start to follow when an unfamiliar voice speaks up.

"Y'know, you don't have to let them walk all over you like that." I turn. Sitting on the steps is a boy I've never seen before. He's wearing a black trench coat and has long, silvery-white hair. He raises an eyebrow. "I mean, you obviously have a soul. You just need to work on keeping it clean. 'We are all born marked for evil.'" He sighs and stands, walking away.

"Uh, excuse me? You can't just quote Baudelaire at me then walk away. I didn't even catch your name!"

"I didn't throw it." I watch as he goes and sits at an empty table in the corner. I sigh and walk away. Rax and Rolo are standing near me.

"Huh. Who does he think he is in that jacket, Bo Diddley?"

"We should beat him up!"

"We're seniors." I watch as they walk away, obviously off to torture some poor kid. I sit and start to write in my notebook. I suddenly hear multiple cries of 'holy shit'. I look up and see that everyone seems to be looking at the area that kid went. I start to push through the crowd then stop. Rolo is lying on the ground as the kid and Rax are swinging at each other. I see the kid's holding a book. He seems to be using it as a weapon. He looks beautiful. Kinda like an avenging angel. I can feel my face heat up slightly. I sigh. Why is it, that, when you see boys fighting it looks really horrible but also feels so right? I really shouldn't watch this crap. It's not who I am. But, with this kid? Damn. So hey, mister no-name kid, I wonder who you are, and, if I asked, would you fight for me? And, I wonder if he could face the crowd, be seen with me and still act so proud? I wonder if he would hold my hand tight and carry me through no-man's land. It's fine if he wouldn't but I want to tell him that I'd fight for him if he'd fight for me. They could drive us underground, I really couldn't care how far in. He could set my broken bones and I know CPR. I watch as he swings round and slams his book into Rolo's face when he tries to punch him from behind. Suddenly I'm being pulled back. It's Voltron. They glare and drag me away. I glance back once more and see the kid staring at me. I flush and turn back around.

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