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Dear Diary,

All-in-all, today was a not too heinous day.


The bell rings. Three piercing screeches and everyone cheers. A surge of kids head out if the door eager for lunch. I step out slowly, at the back of the group. I find a spot on the steps and I sit. I glance around then begin to write.

September 1st, 1989

Dear Diary,

I believe I'm a good person. You know, I think there's good in everyone, but, here we are, first day of senior year. I'm looking around at all these kids that I've known my whole life and I ask myself one question: What happened?

I glance up slightly as a few kids get surrounded. A few look scared but most look resigned. The kids surrounding them point at them one by one.






We used to be so tiny, happy and shiny, playing tag and getting chased.





Singing, clapping, laughing, taking naps, baking cookies, eating paste.




Then we got bigger and I think that that was the trigger. I pause. Like the Huns invading Rome! Welcome to my school, this isn't any average high school: this is the Thunderdome. I just need to hold my breath and count the days. We're graduating soon!

"White trash!"

College will definitely be paradise if I'm not dead by June! But I know, I know, that life can be beautiful. I pray - I'm praying - for a better way. If we changed back then, we could change again. We can be beautiful!

A boy, a prep I think, knocks some kid down near me. The boy cries out. The prep sneers then runs off.

Just not today.

I close my notebook over my finger as I look down at him. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Get away, nerd." He manages to get up and walks off. I sit for a second, staring, then shake my head. Who cares. I get up to grab a tray of food from the canteen. The line should have gone down by now. From the canteen I can see out to the courtyard. A couple of kids are being pushed into the wall. A girl and two guys, I think.






"Homo!" I wince at the final, cruel yell. The kids get kicked around a bit more before the jocks move. Probably onto more interesting prey. I walk back to my step, balancing my notebook on it and writing as I walk.

Things will get better as soon as my letter comes from Harvard, Duke, or Brown. I'll wake from this coma and take my diploma, then I can finally blow this town. I can't stop dreaming of ivy-covered walls and smoky French cafes.

I brush past someone. That someone grips my arm and I look up to see Rax Balmera standing in front of me.

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