They Sound of the Strongy Winds

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Well, that went well. Through my eyes my descent is painfully slow. I watch as the ground comes ever closer, daring me to hug it. I hear Mortana in fits inside my head.

'I will protect you' like you could take him! Then you charge and get blown off, talk about famous last words!

Mortana! Please!

Oh right, we must be serious, we are about to die. No point having a laugh if we die.

Please help us survive.

So, it is us now. The moment you fail it becomes us, what if I don't want to help you.

Mortana! If I die then you die too!

Well, if you put it that way I might be a little more lenient. What would you like me to do, right now we are diving to our death. Unless...

I know what you were going to suggest. If I let you do it will you promise to not only save our life but Cassie's as well. Please do this for me.

Very well. I promise I will save our life and destroy that annoying elemental. Lamia. You must reach a higher understanding. The decision to run at the elemental was a foolish one, make better choices next time.

I will. I say the next line inhumanly fast, however in my mind it is drawn out and slow, "Vosh stasha Wyvarntaas Altern" With that, it was done. I had done the one thing I had sworn never to do again. The first considerable change are my arms which grow longer. My legs thicker and my arms thinner. Then connecting to my sides sheets of small scales extend from my arms. My fingers become a single claw on each arm (if you can call it that.) My skin hardens, my eyes become acute, my ears shrink until they are just two holes. My head now, it changes quickly and is soon one of a flying reptile. The reptiles teeth like long ivory daggers. My spine grows longer and becomes a tail, a long, barbed tail. My legs grow larger and scaly. The claws at the end of them long enough to make swords from. My body was the final adjustment. It grew seven-fold, ripping my newly made wolf dress (Most people say that your clothes disappear. Not true, they are destroyed) Now my normal appearance has become that of a monstrous wyvern. My size phenomenal and my scales as black as Umbra herself. I flap my wings enough times to stop my descent. However, even though it is me it is not me. Mortana has full control in this form. I roar in triumph of being free.

Remember you deal Mortana.

Yes, my child. I will not forget. Now I must rid this world of another spirit. I (technically 'I' at least) then in dragonspeak I spit "Spirits! An abomination." I swing myself up and begin my ascent. I forgot what it was like to be free. This is why you took the reins for so many years. This is enjoyable. I roar again in joy; the sound was like rocks tumbling down Hawk's Peak. I shoot up to where I had fallen landing down with a crash. I am unable to spot Cassandra, however I can see the spirit initiating its worst form. Shifting. It's form changes into one of a solid white wyvern, mimicking that of a male wyvern. My cousin. We initiate combat as wyverns do. Circling around eachother trying to scare the other off. As much as the Lamia in me would not have fought the air elemental in that form, Mortana was different. She bares her teeth, "How dare you assume the form of Bormante. I will rip you, limb from limb." The elemental and I lunge. The sound of scale smashing against scale is thunder in the sky. "MORTANA!" The soul screams.

How does it know us?

I don't know child. It is a spirit. It is likely that it is all knowing.

Tooth hitting scale, Claw slashing horn. The sheer animosity of our fight would terrify even the most courageous warrior. Our bodies were thrown around, it was all about the strategy of the game. Like a game of chess, in which I had the disadvantage. For white always moves first. The hoary reptile attacks with its wings, clawing at my underbelly. I attack back clutching at its wing, trying to rip it. The fight was like a game. Taking turns attacking. Only the Lamia in me hated this game.

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