Feral Puppies

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An hour of walking had passed and the rain clouds were nearing the precipitation stage. I could smell it. If there is one thing you should know about me, it is that I have tonitrophobia. Well that fact is not the one thing you should know about me, but it is still important, for the story. I shout to Cass, "It's raining! We need to get out of it; I hate rain. Too many people die from it, it summons lightning!" I look around to see a small cave, I pull Cassandra into it. "Nice and dry; stupid rain, it ruins everything." The moment we step into the dry embracement of the cave Cass pulls away from me. She speaks but it is obvious she is very tired, "Please stop doing that."

She covers her nose, I sniff and the smell I get is one of a loincloth that has never been washed. Rotten meat, something had been eaten and left to decay. "Ugh, it stinks in here. Is something dead?" "It smells like rotting meat." I pause, the low growl of a wolf could be heard, it seemed just far away so that it was out of human ear reach. It said that a rivalling pack of wolves was back. Now if you are wondering how I know what it said, it is obvious. I can speak wolf, just not hungry, or bloodthirsty wolves. Those types disconnect any way of communicating with anyone but their pack. A rivalling pack is not good, it usually means they are hungry as the packs fight for territory. My face turns to shock as I realize something. Cassandra whispers to me "Um, maybe we should find another cave." I nod slowly, a growl can be heard "I-I agree. How good are you at climbing?

"Not with this." She replies as she removes her backpack and drops her walking stick, "Go, go, go." I go further into the cave and trip over a dead deer carcass. So that was what the smell was. I pick myself up and continue on. I end up reaching the back of the cave.

Of course, stupid. Caves always have a back, I just cornered the two of us.

"Oh no. We are trapped." The growls of hungry predators continue from the entrance of the cave. "Okay, new plan. How good are you at fighting?" I ask, Cassandra in reply draws a small dagger that had been concealed within her cloak.

So, she does have a weapon. Good for her.

Let's kill these pesky puppies.

Now is not the time Mortana.

Cassandra then says with an alarmed voice "Honestly? Not very!" She takes a step back, her back touching the cave wall. "How about you?" I unsheathe my favourite iron sword. "I practice with every weapon I make to test its strength," I gloat, I then quickly add, "of course, that doesn't mean I am any good." The growls come ever closer. Out of the pitch black comes a pair of dark, yellow eyes. There is additional movement behind it. I heard what sounded like a sniffing sound. Cassandra stares at me. Alarmed, "Lamia, you're covered in deer blood." She squeaks. Another set of ominous eyes appears. A lone grey wolf steps out of the shadows. "Great. Hungry wolves. They will think I ate the deer, or worse, that I am one." Suddenly, the wolf lunges. I manage to block it with the sword and it retreats to the arms of the shadows.

Wait. I swear there were two wolves before.

It turns out the second wolf was creeping toward Cassandra. The wolf lunges at her and with a squeak Cass scrambles to the side, causing the wolf to slam into the wall and stumble back to the other one, dazed. Cass then attempts to climb the wall, she slips and crashes to the ground. The first wolf leaps at me from behind, it had used the shadows as cover, damned smart wolves. I duck and I try to pierce it with my sword but I fail miserably. The wolf lunges again and successfully taking a bite at my sword arm. I scream in pain as the sharp teeth connect with my blood. In reaction from being wounded I punch the wolf's head with incredible strength, it rips through my flesh, taking out one of its canine teeth. I fall to my knees clutching my arm, near tears, my ears could only hear my heartbeat, I was a sitting duck. The wolf, taking this advantage, goes in for the kill...

Lamia CinusWhere stories live. Discover now