When Rain Can't Cut it

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"Hello, my bloodlust-less self."

"Don't call me that Mortana."

"What I speak is the truth, that is something that even a sorry excuse for a person, can agree on. You know as well as I do that it is only a matter of time before this weakling you travel with will die. She is so scared of kill a puppy."

"Mortana! Remember your place. I have the control here, you answer to me."

(It seems like Mortana is laughing wickedly.) "For the time being, for the time being. However, let us look at what your control has gotten and will give us."

I am then transported to a grassy field. I see Cassandra there; her wounds have healed but her face is horrified. She screams in terror at me and sinks to her knees in what seems like pain, holding her hands like she has been burned. Her eyes turn a ghostly white and her face morphs into that of a young boy. The scene has once again changed, we are near a lake in the spring time. The boy slips and falls into the lake. I scream in fear and reach down to help him up, to no avail, he sinks into the water with his final words being, "Save me Lamia!" I kneel down next to the water, tears waterfalling from my face adding salinity to the lake.

"His death was your fault. Had you only been smart enough to believe he was drowning. Fool" Suddenly, two claw-like hands take hold of my face and drag me into the lake again. When my vision straightens out again I am again standing near the lake with the same boy. He slips again and the scene replays itself, this time however as his face is submerged he is cursing my name. More tears fall and this time rain appears overhead,

"I can't take any more of you, I am going to wake up now."

"Goodbye my dear little fleshling."

I wake up in a sweat. I hate Mortana, if only I could destroy her. Sadly, she is a part of me and I cannot. It is nearly bird-rise. It was still bucketing down. It takes another hour before the rain becomes a drizzle, it was time to go. If we were going to cross the bridge we have to go. A raven croaks in the distance and birds chirp in the trees. I shake my head removing any thoughts of my dream. I wake up Cass by saying "Wakey, Wakey. Let's go or we'll never leave." I am standing at the cave mouth, my wounds, although still hard to move are very nearly painless. She begins to groan, "Why do you have so much energy?" She pushes herself to her knees. "I'm moving. I'm moving."

If we don't go now the river will be flooded.

Cass packs up her belongings and equips her pack. I notice that she looks pale, tired and sickly. The drizzle of rain looks like it would likely become heavier at any moment. The gray in the sky looks endless. The atmosphere is cold and damp. Cassandra helping me walk if I needed it. Cassandra looks at me. "I suppose we don't have much choice. We should be reaching the river soon, if you can make it. I'm assuming you know a way to cross it?"

"That isn't really an option." Cass responds.

Well of course I do otherwise we wouldn't be crossing it.

Shut up Mortana, don't be rude.

"The pain in my leg and arm will fade. I know a bridge that was once traveled by those who did not wish to be seen. We can make it there. If we don't we will either have to wait another month for the time to be right or go the normal route." I start walking using Cass as a brace. "I think the bridge may be an hour or two away. We will be there in no time." As much as I wanted not to use Cassandra as a brace as I could feel her pulse was weak, she was tired. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Luckily, she had her walking stick to keep both of us supported, assuming it didn't snap.

Lamia CinusWhere stories live. Discover now