Chapter 15 | Her Awareness

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Liu Ying Yue

"Feng Mian, would it be possible to prepare a separate carriage?"

Ignoring the insulted glare of her husband, Ying Yue gave her personal maid an expectant smile. While the two did agree upon compromising for this political meeting last night, she still had her suspicions about Zhang Wei's underlying motives and the unexpectedness behind his proposal. After all, she certainly wouldn't be trusting him that easily.

Additionally, who said anything about 'compromising' when it's only the two of us ourselves?

The young girl gave her an apologetic smile. "...I'm afraid that we don't have another one, Your Highness...Also, wouldn't it seem more normal for a husband and wife to be together?"

"This maid seems to have more sense than you, dear wife." His smirk was apparent through the tone of his voice as he ascended into the carriage.

"Ah..." Feng Mian paled at his acknowledgement of her words as she lowered her head in apology.

Ying Yue placed a reassuring hand on the jumpy maid's head. "There is no need to apologize, Feng Mian. That bastard certainly wants it coming to him with his lack of knowledge in common courtesy..."

Smiling over her burning resentment, she entered after her husband and took a seat across. They stared each other down coldly for a moment before Ying Yue scoffed, turning to the small window and looking outside.

"There is no need for mindless conversation," she said straightforwardly.

"It's certainly not like I have an intention for it, anyway." The emperor pulled out a book from the sleeve of his robes, immediately immersing himself in the pages of The Art of War as he ignored her existence.

This will certainly be an enjoyable, long ride...

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Unfortunately, Zhang Wei ended up breaking the silence despite his earlier claim. As Ying Yue was overcome by a wave of drowsiness, loud yelling echoed nearby as he let out a rather loud sigh. Closing his book, he stared out the window as Ying Yue did the same.

In the distance, some Sui guards stood with their spears drawn to block the attacks of the townspeople.

"How dare you go this low, you bastards?!"

"Like we said, there isn't any more mineral ore than what we have already!"

"Get the hell out, you corrupt asses! How pathetic of you all to resort to starving us out-!"

Despite the insults thrown at them, the soldiers made no mood to strike except against violent villagers. Even though they were quiet outnumbered, she noticed how some of the townspeople were barely managing to stand up through their exhaustion.

"A blockade, I see..." he muttered to himself. "And so close to the Tang border..."

To think something like this would be happening in Hong--the town famous for providing the mineral ore used in jewelry...

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. There was only one person in her mind who she inferred to be the most likely suspect.

That greedy hag certainly works fast...Taking over most of the nation's business and now depriving people of their basic needs for not giving her what she wants...

Ying Yue turned away from the scene in her silent anger, only to meet Zhang Wei's pressing stare.

"Oh? You seem like you have an idea of the person behind this, wife..." His voice had an accusatory tone as if he already knew everything.

"Do I, now?" She simply gave him a vague smirk before leaning out the window to issue an order. "Stop the carriage."

Her husband's eyes followed her curiously as she exited, nonchalantly observing the scene. With two Jin guards at her sides, she approached the group, who immediately became silent and bowed. The townspeople muttered among themselves, some staring at her with wonder and others with suspicion.

"Our greetings, Your Highness." A Sui soldier acknowledged respectfully.

Ying Yue raked her eyes over the shriveled surroundings. "The emperor and I have happened to pass by, and we couldn't help but notice the current situation...What seems to be going on here?"

The soldiers glanced among each other hesitantly for a moment before the same man replied. "We are simply following orders, Your Highness. These townspeople are just unwilling to do the same."

"Ah, I see...And who might be the one behind these orders?" Her lips rose in a small, knowing smile.

"I..." he swallowed nervously. "I apologize, Your Highness, but I am unable to say. It's just that these people are ineffective at following their orders to export the necessary materials--"

Her smirk grew wider. "Hm, so that's the situation...Although you cannot tell me the details, I'm sure that I have an idea of the one behind this."

The men stayed silent in their uneasiness at her words for a moment. "We're...glad that Your Highness is very understanding--"

"If you are so glad, then withdraw from this town immediately."

"What-" Shocked gasps emerged from the crowd as the townspeople's voices arose and began their violence again, the Sui soldiers fighting to keep some in check as they faltered over their next words.

The same soldier bowed to her. "Your Highness, I don't know if--"

Ying Yue gave them a chilling smile. "Withdraw from this town and provide them with whatever necessities. You all are aware of what happens when you fail to obey orders, yes?"

"Y-Yes, Your Highness!" Their faces paled at her order as they bowed, readily disbanding from the area and seeing to the townspeople as she strode back to the carriage with a pleased glint in her eyes.

Zhang Wei casually flipped through the pages of his book again with an irksome smirk plastered on his face. Despite her scowl directed at him, he made no movement or word.

"If I may ask, my dear husband, what is with your unsightly expression?"

I just want to smack it off his face.

"Nothing in particular, wife--" A loud thump on the top of the carriage interrupted him as a black mass with fluttering wings entered through the window.

Her eyes widened at the sight of her lost crow, a wing badly broken and stained with dried blood.

"Hei Wu--!"

"The consort is in Tang!" he loudly cawed in warning, flittering around the inside of the carriage and shedding feathers everywhere as Zhang Wei brushed them away with the cover of his book in great annoyance.

"What? Wasn't she going with my sisters to--" Ying Yue placed a hand on her forehead at her sudden realization as her husband stared at her expectantly with a glint in his eyes.

"She's going to marry one of them off for an alliance with Tang."

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Ahh I feel like this is getting too 'political' at some parts... (but political dramas are just too addicting ^^')


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