Chapter 5 | Her Beauty

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Liu Ying Yue

Ignoring the consort's suspicious glance in her direction, Ying Yue entered her room with a nonchalant smirk and two maids by her sides. A few days had passed since her step-mother broke the news to her, and this afternoon would be her marriage ceremony.

I will take great pleasure in making Consort Sui regret her words...

Releasing her tied-up hair, it smoothly fell to her lower back. The maids assisted Ying Yue in sliding off her plain robes to change into her scarlet bridal dress. Golden, embroidered patterns of flowers along with the elegant figure of a phoenix lined the sleeves and glittered in the sunlight.

She was amazed at the sheer beauty of the dress, as it was the only piece of clothing Consort Sui had ever bought her—although her step-mother claimed it was the cheapest she could find.

After her maids sat her down on a chair, Ying Yue waited patiently as they tied up part of her hair and did her makeup. The process felt excruciatingly long, and she felt much relief at the finishing touches of rouge on her lips.

"Would you like to see, Lady Liu?"

A maid handed Ying Yue a mirror, and she blinked in slight shock at the fierce beauty who stared back at her with pale skin, long eyelashes, and red lips. Ying Yue had never been someone to look at their reflection, but she always did hear from some relatives about how she had the exact same "unsightly" face as her mother.

They must have been blinded from jealousy...

"Ah, we must hurry up...Lady Liu, we shall escort you to the palanquin."

Ying Yue nodded seriously, her hair ornaments softly tinkling with each step and her hair swishing against her back. She held herself with her usual confidence and stepped outside, hearing her sisters let out gasps and mutter among themselves. Her step-mother just glowered at her in silence.

"How did this hag manage to make that cheap dress look elegant?"

"Tch, she shouldn't get too cocky...It's just the layers of makeup, after all."

Ying Yue narrowed her eyes in their direction with a superior smile. "Do not fear, my dear sisters. I'm sure a day will come when you all get married."

Her half-sisters were immediately silenced by her icy tongue, and she internally reveled at the expressions on their faces as she stepped into the palanquin.

It's too bad they, along with the consort, have to attend the ceremony as representatives of Sui...

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After quite some time, a servant notified her of their arrival at the Jin palace. The ride in the cool palanquin was much preferred compared to the beaming sunlight of the hot afternoon, and Ying Yue sighed to herself as she stepped out.

She placed on her red, slightly see-through wedding veil that acted as a shield against the sun. Glancing past the elaborate, gold patterns that covered most of her face, Ying Yue marveled at the grandness of the palace that was certainly more impressive than her family home in Sui.

Escorted by two servants of Jin, she followed the long stone pathway which led into the main hall. Palace servants and eunuchs lined each side, bowing to her as she walked past with her head high.

From what I heard, the emperor didn't want the wedding to be too extravagant...I just can't wait to get this tedious ceremony over with...

Upon entering the main hall, Ying Yue was met with the melody of a guqin. There was a tense mood between the relatives and important officials of each nation, who faced each other on opposing sides of the aisle. Their gazes followed her as she continued to walk down towards her soon-to-be husband.

He sat at the dais in front of the main hall in similarly lavish, scarlet robes with his hair partly tied up, and Ying Yue was momentarily surprised at his appearance. The emperor was rather handsome with his cold expression, and he seemed to be closer to her age than she had thought.

Ying Yue masked her slight nervousness behind an indifferent expression as she approached the dais, preparing to seal her future as the new empress of the nation.

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...I feel like this chapter was rather unnecessary but necessary at the same time (?)


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