Chapter 10 | Her Assassin

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Liu Ying Yue

Ying Yue stiffened as the unknown perpetrator pressed the edge of the sword to draw a thin line of blood on her throat. Although she felt the sting of the cut, she calmly set down her brush and leaned back in her chair with her legs crossed as if she didn't care about her death.

I have to admit that I am somewhat uneasy internally, but they don't have to know that...

The unknown person slightly moved their sword away, unsure about what further actions to take from her lack of expression.

"...What do you want?..." she questioned softly.

What am I even doing?...As if they'll even reply.

They only moved the blade back to her throat in silence.

"Oh? Not choosing to answer, I see...Were you sent here by Consort Sui? My sisters? Or perhaps...the emperor's consorts?"

Awkwardly waiting for them to make some sort of reply, Ying Yue was shocked when they fully withdrew their sword.

"...You are a strange woman..." they said in a low voice, and she realized the assassin was a man.

"I have simply experienced far too many assassination attempts at my age that this is simply in the norm."

Unfortunately, this claim happens to be the truth...

He made no comment, and Ying Yue decided to attempt to question him again on his intentions.

"What is your purpose for coming here?"

The man stayed silent for a moment as he hesitated on what to say. "...Now that you are empress, there are many people who want your head. I have simply been hired for my service."

She let out a low chuckle. "That should be obvious. If you were really sent here to kill me for whatever payment, I would be dead by now...In that case, you have an ulterior motive."

A click echoed in the quiet room as the unknown assassin sheathed his sword in its case.

...Ah, I thought I went too far when I said that...But for him to place his weapon back--it's awfully uncalled for.

She waited a moment in anticipation of his future actions before standing up and turning around to face him. A dark mask covered the lower part of the assassin's face, and he almost blended into the shadows with his black robes. 

...He's surprisingly handsome in an eerie way.

"...Your Highness is quite sharp that it would be unnecessary to kill you...I was simply sent here to obtain a specific item on behalf of a Sui minister."

Ying Yue raised an eyebrow before narrowing her eyes. "And that item would be...?"

"...A red scroll."

Hm. He seems to be relaying this information to me far too easily...

"Unfortunately, that is not in my possession. It's not like I have a purpose for it, after all...I am simply a half-blooded peasant in a political marriage, as you may already know."

He continued staring at her expectantly with his emotionless eyes.

"As I said, I simply don't have it. However..."

Ying Yue walked over to her nightstand and picked up the gold hairpin given to her by the consort for her wedding.

What I have in store next may be risky, but it is a step I am willing to take as long as it helps me progress...

"...I am still the empress of Jin. Whoever hired you--I can give you ten or even a hundred times more than what they're offering. If you agree to join me at my side, I will give you everything you need."

She threw the hairpin to the assassin to further prove her point as he instinctively caught it, examining it cautiously. Ying Yue extended a hand to him as he stared at it incredulously.

From what I learned, monetary appeal will always prevail as a last resort...

"Items such as these hold no purpose to me. Sell it, trade it--I don't care. Currently, there are goals I need to accomplish as the new empress, and I am certain that you will serve as a necessary asset. In return for pardoning your attempt at killing me, I only ask that you become my personal assassin. What do you say?..."

Her eyes glinted with the slight flickering of the candlelight. The assassin continued to stare in disbelief.

"...You are certainly a very unexpected woman to dare to ask me this..."

While Ying Yue thought he was going to reject her offer, the assassin slowly reached out his hand to grasp hers before settling down to the floor in a bow.

"Empress Sui...My life is now in your hands."

Her eyes glinted as her lips formed a small, satisfied smirk. 

"...What is your name?"

The man stood up again and lowered his head in a respectful bow. "...Lu Cang. Your Highness has no need to compensate me for my services. I choose to serve you because I want to, as you have pleasing mental compatibility..." 

Ying Yue slightly narrowed her eyes at his words. 

Lu Cang suddenly looked outside the window before giving her a final bow. "Good night, Your Highness. I must get going now." 

Before she could respond, her new personal assassin disappeared into the darkness, sending a gust of wind from the now open window which secured the promise of the night.

"Ah..." she sat back down, letting out a low laugh as her fingers hovered over her stinging wound with the hint of poison. "I certainly have a gift for playing with death..." 

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Yeahh, this chapter is mostly filler...I just really need to plan out the storyline since it's disorganized from my overreactive imagination whoopss


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