Chapter 2 | Her Curiosity

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Liu Ying Yue

Ignoring their glares, Ying Yue calmly sat down at the table and waved her hand to summon a pot of tea and pour herself a cup. As she took a sip and breathed in the pleasant herbal fragrance, the youngest sister, Sui Diao Chan, waved her hand to take the pot back. In the process, she 'accidentally' managed to spill tea on her sister's robes.

"I apologize, Jie Jie. My hand happened to slip." She smirked among her other two sisters.

Ying Yue scoffed at her antics and gazed at her sister up through her eyelashes.

"I suppose your continuous immaturity is the reason why no man wants to marry you--or rather, any of you. Your future husbands are unlucky men."

"As if you should be talking, you lowly hag! You should not even think to compare yourself to our youthful beauty!"

She calmly took another sip of her tea and ignored her sisters' boiling anger at the truth. Just as they were about to continue with their antics, the old consort unfortunately happened to enter the main hall with an expression of displeasure.

"My eyes have been plagued with so many calamities today. I'm afraid that I must go to my room and rest for today."

Ying Yue sighed and stood up, calmly walking past her sisters as she brushed past the crafty consort without a glance. As she closed the door of the main hall behind her, Ying Yue took loud steps for a certain distance away before sneaking back to the door to listen to their conversation.

"Mother, why is that lowly peasant back to live in the palace with us?" Sui Diao Chan questioned.

"I'm afraid your aunt's death has burdened us with housing her for the time being, as our cousins are unwilling to house her and we have no other relatives...but there is no need to worry about that peasant, as I will make sure to get rid of her soon."

How unsurprising of the consort to do that immediately upon my return.

"Mother, did you also hear about how that bitch dared to talk down to us about our marriages?"

"Please refrain from cursing, Li Mei. I understand your frustration, but we are expected to act ladylike at all times as representatives of the Sui royal family."

"I apologize, mother."

"Anyway, that girl doesn't have the right to talk about marriage when she is well past the age...I shall make sure to find suitable husbands for you all..."

At this point, Ying Yue grew bored of the conversation and swiftly walked away into the palace garden. Like in their family gatherings, the only thing those women knew how to do was constantly bad-mouth her. Their hatred could sometimes be incredibly laughable, as she found no other reason for them to despise her despite for the fact that they were ashamed to be related to someone born from a 'lowly palace maid' compared to the higher status of the consort.

Hm, I suppose they could also despise me because I find the chance to insult them whenever I can...But that isn't entirely my fault, as they get angry over everything and it is fun to anger them...

Sighing to herself, Ying Yue closed her eyes to spiritually summon her animal companion. As she opened them again, she spotted her black crow descending towards her and withdrew a hand.

"Ying Yue." He cawed.

"Hello, Hei Wu..." She perched him on her shoulder and lazily sat down under the shade of a peach blossom tree. "I absolutely despise this place and the annoying people inside it..."

"Consort. Old hag."

Ying Yue smirked in amusement and took a small bottle of wine out from her sleeve, taking a sip and admiring the lively scenery. Her companion tapped his beak against the bottle.

"Hei Wu. Thirsty."

She raised an eyebrow at him as he fluffed his feathers. "I don't need you getting drunk on the job."

Hei Wu let out a huffing noise and Ying Yue leaned back against the trunk more as she closed her eyes. She soon opened them after a moment as she glanced at her animal companion seriously.

"Let's get straight to business, Hei Wu...Did you find anything out on the whereabouts of my older brother?"

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